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A/N--- Another revised chapter comment and vote if you like. Thank you :)


This water feels amazing! I can’t even remember the last time I was able to actually relax and soak in the tub. It would be even better, if Owen was in the tub with me. I wonder what it would be like to lean against his naked body in the warm water. To have him trail kisses down my neck, as he caresses my breasts while gently washing my body. Just the thought of the feel of his hands on my body sends chills of lust down my spine.

“How are you doing in there? Need more time or are you ready to get out?” he asks through the door.

“I am just about ready to get out. Why don’t you come in and sit with me.” I finish washing my face with the cloth and set it on the side of the tub.

He opens the door slowly and walks in, grabbing the bench from my vanity, he sets it next to the tub.

“Did you want me to help you wash your hair?”

“Yes please.” I can feel the flush grow on my cheeks as I look down at the bubbles in the water and smile. If only he knew what I was thinking before he walked through that bathroom door.

He moves the bench to the head of my old antique footed tub, and grabs the shampoo, conditioner, and shower head. The faucet and shower head are located in the middle of the tub. I thought it would be easier set up that way, now I’m glad I did that.

He gently rinses my hair with the warm water, and then massages the shampoo into my hair. The feel of his hands through my hair as he massages my scalp feels amazing and relaxes me. I close my eyes as he rinses my hair and then massages in the conditioner. As he rinses my hair for the last time, I get lost in a fantasy and whisper the words “Kiss me.”

“What did you say?” he smiles. I wonder what he’s thinking right now.

“I said that feels amazing.” My face probably gives me away.

I can’t believe I said that out loud. I hope he didn’t really hear what I said, I am so embarrassed.

He turns to pick up the towel and throws it over his shoulder before he helps me out of the tub, wrapping the towel around my body. He then picks me up and carries me to my bedroom and sits me on my bed.

“You don’t have to carry me everywhere,” I laugh. Although deep down I’m imagining him whisking me off to an exotic place for a romantic rendezvous.

“I know, but it’s a lot safer for a klutz like you,” he grins.

He grabs a pair of shorts and a t-shirt from my dresser along with a pair of panties and a bra. It was kind of odd having a man pick out clothing for me, especially my underwear. Good thing I threw out all the old ratty ones a couple months ago.

“I don’t really need the bra, I will probably be going to bed soon anyways,” I say as I hand it back to him. He replaces it in the drawer then turns back to me.

“Are you hungry?” he asks.

“Actually I am starved.”  I’m excited for some good food and not that nasty hospital food.

“What are you in the mood for?” He grabs the towel and tosses it into the hamper.

“I am really craving some fried chicken and mashed potatoes,” I laugh. He stacks some pillows to prop up my leg.

“That does sound good. Why don’t you just stay here in bed and rest for a little bit while I run and get the food,” he kisses me on the forehead.

I nod, and then he heads out the door and closes it softly behind him. Well I guess I can watch some TV or take a nap. I turn the TV on and browse the channels but nothing good is on, so I turn it to the news and drift off to sleep.

I awaken to the smell of fried chicken and a gorgeous smile.

“Did you have a nice nap, sleeping beauty?”

“Mmmhmm,” I yawn.

“Shall we have dinner in here or is that something you don’t allow?”

“Sure why not, I can break the rules occasionally,” I laugh.

We’re having dinner on the bed while watching a movie. The food is amazing compared to the stale hospital food. Wait, could this be considered a date? We are having dinner and it’s in bed. I better stop thinking about things like that.

“How would you like to go to my parents’ cabin for the week?” he asks, as he continues to finish up eating.

“Really?” I haven’t been to the cabin in years.

“Yeah, let’s get away from the city and go somewhere quiet while you recover.”

“Going to the lake does sound really nice and peaceful. Let’s do it!” I smile.

“I will get some groceries in the morning and pack some of your things, and then we can head out.”

“Sounds good to me.” I lean back in bed.

He quickly cleans up the dinner dishes and takes them to the kitchen. I can hear him scrounge through the cabinets in search of something in particular. Then I hear “Ah ha” and what sounds like the buttons on the microwave being pushed. A few minutes later he returns with a big bowl of popcorn and a movie.

“So, what are we watching?” I ask.

“It’s a surprise,” he grins.

He puts the movie in then climbs in the bed next to me. I snuggle up close to his side and lay my head on his chest. The beginning credits start to roll and I drift off to sleep.

I awaken to the feel of his lips on my forehead as he climbs out of bed.

“Where are you going?” I ask sleepily.

“I have to go to the bathroom and get a little more comfortable.”

“You are coming back in here right?”

“Don’t worry, sleeping beauty. I will be right back,” he replies, as he walks out of the bedroom door.

“Good,” I whisper, closing my eyes..

Not So Hidden DesireTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon