Just a Little Peep Show (New chapter)

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A/N another short filler chapter


            When I woke up Katie’s side of the bed was empty. I wondered where she had gone and what she was up to. I managed to drag myself out of the warm blankets that surrounded me. I stumbled to the bedroom door and when I opened it the smell of bacon and eggs overwhelmed me. My stomach growled in response.

            I walked down the hall and leaned against the kitchen wall while I watched her at the sink.

            “Good morning beautiful,” I managed to spit out.

She turned and smiled at me the said, “nice hair.”

I hadn’t even bothered to get dressed yet let alone fix my hair. I must have been a sight to see. Me in my boxers with my hair pointed in all different directions.

“So last night wasn’t just a dream,” she smiled.

I walked over to where she leaned against the sink looking seductive and placed my hands on either side of her against the counter. I leaned towards her and she pushed me back.

“You need a shower before you touch me…you stink,” she laughed.

I reached around her back and grabbed the sink sprayer. I grabbed her around the waist with my free arm and kissed her neck. She squirmed and giggled. I pointed the sprayer towards her back the turned the cold water on.

Her eyes widened in shock as she arched her back and tried to get away from me.

“Owen, let me go!” She squirmed and managed to break free.

“Now who needs the shower,” I laughed.

She grabbed an orange from the island and nailed me in the shoulder. I sprayed water across the kitchen as she ducked behind the island and squealed.

I put the sprayer back in the sink and sunk to the floor then crawled around the side of the island. She had her back to me. I snuck up behind her and whispered, “boo” in her ear.

She jumped and nailed me in the nose with her shoulder, “ouch,” I yelped.

“Oh my gosh… are you ok?” She laughed.

“Not funny that hurt,” I said as I touched my nose with my hand. I sat down on the floor with my head between my knees. I felt her hand on my back as she scooted closer to me on the floor.

“I’m so sorry…but honestly you deserved it,” she said as she tried to look at my face.

I lifted my head and smirked.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” She leaned back away from me and crossed her arms.

I crawled over to where she sat with her back against the counter and pulled her onto my lap. I grabbed her face and kissed her hard. She grabbed my hair and pulled me closer as she moved to wrap her legs around my waist. I grabbed her ass and pulled her closer.

We kissed for a little longer as she held onto me. Then my stomach growled and she pushed away as she giggled.

“I think your stomach has a different idea right now,” she laughed.

“Oh, but I like this idea much better.” I smirked while I tried to pull her close again.

She pushed away and stood up. Her t-shirt clung to her breast from the water. She looked down at her shirt and sighed then removed it and tossed it in my face. She walked down the hall but stopped to look over her shoulder with a come hither look then continued down the hall.

I quickly jumped up and ran after her down the hall and into the bedroom. By the time I had walked into the room she was already stripped down to her bra and panties. Damn she looked hot sitting there on the bed.

I stood there against the door frame as she removed her bra. She tossed it over her shoulder while she covered her breasts with her arm. I just watched mesmerized while she stood up with her back towards me. Then slowly removed her panties and I watched them slide to the floor. She turned and tossed them at me with her foot.

“Well what are you waiting for?” She asked as she motioned for me to come here.

“I was enjoying the show,” I grinned as I walked towards her.

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