Dress Fitting and Cake tasting...Oh My

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It has been almost a month now since Owen’s mom had the stroke. She has been residing at the local nursing home so that she could get the required therapies she needed. I kept my promise to her and would drive up to the nursing home during my break to have lunch with her every day.

She has shown some progress, she has regained some strength back in her right side. They have been working on upper body strength first so that she could learn to use a walker. Her speech was still a little slurred at times but she hasn’t given up yet.

Today during my lunch visit with her I showed her the dress I had picked out for the wedding. She cried when she saw it because she thought it was the perfect dress for me. We talked about the wedding date since we still haven’t decided on an official date.

She suggested a summer wedding would be beautiful out by the lake. I agreed but after everything we have been through this past year I don’t know if I want to wait that long.

I had to go downtown to the bakery today to pick out the cake. I’m so excited about that. Owen had to work again so I was going by myself because Cassandra was driving me insane. Before I head down there I think I will stop by the park to sift through some wedding plans. I think the fresh air would do me good.

I pulled into the park about fifteen minutes later. I parked under a shaded area so that the car wouldn’t be so hot when I returned. I walked past the swings to a vacant picnic table under a tree.

Two little girls were swinging carefree and giggling about who could swing higher. Over on the slides a mother was waiting for her little boy to slide down into her open arms. I watched as he slid down with a huge smile on his face then giggled when his mother scooped him up.

I just smiled and thought that will be me soon, bringing Alex to the park to play and bond. Ok back to my wedding plans. Dress...check, venue...check, flowers….check; cake… was getting done today, and wedding date… still undecided. Well at least I have this much done.

 I just remembered I have a dress fitting today also. Crap in like 5 minutes from now. I gathered my things quickly and headed back to the car. A sharp pain went through my belly and almost doubled me over.

Dang it Katie don’t rush, it puts stress on the baby and he doesn’t like that. I stood there a few minutes until the pain subsided. I walked the rest of the way to the car at a much slower pace. I threw my bag in the car then slid in and pulled out of my space. The Bridal shop was right next to the bakery so at least I don’t have to drive all over town to get there.

I walked through the bridal shop a few minutes past my appointment. Thank goodness the next appointment had cancelled for today. I checked in with the girl at the desk then took a seat in front of the wall of mirrors. The store was full of beautiful dresses and flower arrangements. I gasped when the lady brought out my dress… it was even more beautiful in person.

I stripped down to my bra and underwear and she helped me put the dress on over my head. She zipped up the back then led me out to the mirrors. I instantly started to cry when I saw my reflection, it was perfect.

“Is it not what you were wanting?” she asked.

“No. It is so much more,” I smiled as I wiped the tears from my eyes.

The dress fit perfect, not a single alteration needed. I still had plenty of room for my growing belly because of the design I had picked out. I had decided against a veil because I would just assume have flowers in my hair.

I paid for the dress but told the lady I would pick it up after my appointment next door so I wouldn’t have to drag it around.

I hadn’t realized how hungry I was until I walked through the bakery doors. The cakes smelled divine. My stomach started to rumble at the thought.

“Hey Katie, how are you doing this afternoon?” Doretta asked.

“I am doing pretty god Dorr how are you doing these days?

Doretta used to work in the school cafeteria until she found her true calling as a cake decorator. Her artwork was amazing. I keep telling her she should enter one of those cake competitions on TV.

 I have already picked out the design; it was going to be a three tier cake with cascading flowers.

“Ok so what yummy goodness do you have for me to try today?” I smiled.

“Let me grab the tray of samples and you can pick anything you want.”

She reappeared with the tray and sat it down in front of me along with a list of the flavors of the samples. I tasted each, one by one and make notes on the list. Each flavor was better than the next they just melted in my mouth. The last sample was a dark chocolate cake filled with fudge and a white chocolate butter cream icing. I took a bite of it and I swear it was better than sex.

“Bingo, it is definitely going to be that last one. That is the absolute best cake I have ever tasted. You are a genius.”

“Thank you. That is actually one of my mother’s old recipes,” she replied.

Another sharp pain shot through my belly and I gasped.

“Katie are you ok?”

“I’m fine I think it’s just gas,” I laughed.

“Well I hope that is all it is. You don’t need to be having that baby too early.”

“I will be ok. I am actually going to head straight home and rest for a while.”

She proceeded to pack up a sample of the cake I had chosen so I could take it home to Owen. I thanked her for the cake and waved goodbye as I headed out the door. After I picked up my dress I headed home.

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