Water is the Enemy

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A/N this is a revised chapter :) Enjoy, don't forget to comment and vote :)


It’s been a month since that day in the front yard where I kissed Katie. She is now walking on both feet without any support. She has the funniest tan line on her leg where the cast was.

I asked her if she would have dinner with me at the pond tonight and she agreed. I have to make this night perfect for her. A night she will never forget.  We have been for about a month now and so far has been the best month of my life.

I helped Katie move back into her house about a week ago, and I moved back to my apartment since she no longer needed my help. Over the past few months we have become really close and I have loved every minute of it, although I haven’t slept very well this past week without her by my side.

I’m going to head over to the pond so I could set everything up for our dinner and then go pick Katie up. I have about two hours to get everything together and set up. I pulled into my parents drive and thankfully they weren’t home because I was on a strict time schedule. I have to get everything setup and pick Katie up by five thirty. I grabbed the two bags from the truck and headed to the barn to get Sable.

The pond has held many special memories from our childhood. We used to walk from the barn to the woods to get there. Today the fastest way to get out to the pond would be by horse.

“Hey girl, I’ve missed you.” Sable can act more like a stubborn child than a horse sometimes.

“Guess who is coming to see you tonight,” I said as I placed her saddle on her back.

“I’m taking Katie on a special date and I need your help girl,” I said as I petted her head. I grabbed her reigns and lead her out of the barn. I hopped on her back, with the reigns in my right hand and the bags in my left and we darted off in to the woods.

After riding through the trees for a few minutes we finally came to a clearing where the pond sat. Trees surrounded the pond making it very private. This would make the perfect setting for dinner and star gazing. I hopped off of Sable and sat down the two bags.

In one bag I had a blanket with two wine glasses wrapped inside. I spread out the blanket and laid the glasses on one corner. In the other bag was a bottle of soft red wine, a box of mini brownies, and a container of strawberries. I laid the bottle between the glasses and the food on another corner. I walked across the grass to where a patch of wild flowers sat at the edge of the tree line and picked a few of them. I walked back to the blanket and place them in the center.

It was beautiful out here today, not too hot just about perfect temperature this fall has been oddly warm… Shit, I’m going to be late. I hopped on Sable and just as we are ready to take off something startled her and she reared up and tossed me off her back and into the pond. “Just great,” I huffed. I was soaked now and so was my phone. I was going to be really late now. Katie was going to kill me.

“C’mon Sable we have to go,” I exclaimed.

I climbed on Sable and we darted off through the woods back to the barn. I put her in the stall then took off running towards the truck. I drove as fast as I could towards town and remembered I had one stop to make still.

I stopped at the jewelry shop to pick up the package I had on hold. I hurried back to the truck then drove to my apartment to get changed because I smelt like pond water. I looked at the clock and noticed it was almost seven. I hurried in the door and scurried to my closet to find the first pair of jeans and t-shirt I could find.  On my way out the door I saw that Abby was headed up the sidewalk towards me.

“Hey Abby what’s up?” I asked.

“I was wondering what to get Katie for her birthday?” she asked.

“I’m supposed to be meeting her tonight and am running really late, can you call me later and we can figure something out,” I replied as I climbed into my truck.

“Ok,” she said.

“Actually I will be coming into see you probably tomorrow I need another phone mine kind of got wet again,” I laughed.

“What did you do this time?” she asked

“I’ll explain later I really have to run,” I yelled out the window and waved as I pulled out of the lot.

I hurried down the road towards Katie’s house. She was going to be pissed. I pulled in the drive and stepped out of my truck just as the neighbor’s lawn sprinkler turned on soaking me once again. I swear I give up. I reached back in my truck to grab the small velvet box when I realized I had left it on the counter at home.

Frustrated now, I got back in my truck and drove to my apartment and grabbed the box. I don’t have time to change so I just head back to Katie’s house. I’m not as wet now anyways. I pulled back in the drive and headed up to her porch, as I step on to the grass her sprinkler turned on and nailed me in the face. Ok I really am starting to hate water now. I need to remind her to shut them off, there was no point having them on in November.

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