A Very Difficult Predicament

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A/N---- another revised chapter, don't forget to comment and vote please and thank you :)


She looks like an angel while she sleeps. I want to wake up to that beautiful face every day… well, at least for the next month or so I will get to. I smile at the thought.

Why do bad things happen to good people? I hate that she is going through all this pain. I just hope I don’t screw up and upset her because I know how stubborn she can be.

I remember when we were twelve, how she wanted to meet the author of her favorite book at our small town bookstore. It was mid-February and the ground was covered in snow; she begged me to wait with her at 4 am outside the store. I told her she was crazy and that I would rather be in my bed warm and sound asleep. She said if I didn’t keep her company she would tell Sarah Jensen that I liked her.

Sarah was a cute but very clingy girl so I was not interested in having her follow me around like a puppy dog. I caved and went with her to wait outside the store. An hour into the wait I noticed Katie was shaking really badly from the cold temperature. I insisted that we should leave and get her warmed up but she refused to leave her spot. I tried bribing her with everything I could think of, but she refused every offer. Instead she stood her ground, stubborn as a mule.

When her lips had started turning blue, I said enough, threw her over my shoulder, and carried her away kicking and screaming. After that incident she refused to speak to me for a month.

I really need to move her to the bedroom so she could rest more comfortably, but I just can’t stand to wake her. I move her slowly to the side so that I can get up and get her bath ready. I’m sure after being in the hospital for that long she would probably enjoy a nice hot bath.

 First I need to find something that she can prop her leg up on so her cast doesn’t get wet. I’ll be glad when she is just in a brace, it will be so much easier to take care of her. Thank goodness she has a big bathroom.

Well, she actually has two bathrooms; one is just a shower and a sink in the spare bedroom whilst the other is huge with a beautiful footed tub along with a walk through closet and vanity area with a bench. The colors are more of a modern black and white theme. I move the wicker hamper to the side of the tub and place a towel for padding on top. I start the water, grab the bubble bath, and turn around to see her standing in the door way. Well more like standing on one foot with a pair of crutches under her arms.

“Did I wake you?” I ask apologetically.

“Not really, although I did notice my nice warm pillow had moved,” she smiles. Her hair falls in her face.

“I figured I would make myself useful seeing as that is why I am here…to take care of you,” I walk towards her. I push the strand of hair out of her face and look down into her deep green eyes.

“I’ve told you already; I can take care of myself,” she replies as she hobbles past me into the bathroom. One thing I do know is that she is very awkward with those crutches.

“Katie, please stop being so damn stubborn and just let me help you.” I reach out towards her.

“Fine but I am capable of getting myself cleaned up,” she falls into me almost knocking us both into the tub.

“I can see that,” I laugh still holding onto her.

“Why can’t I do anything for myself anymore? I’m so helpless.” Tears fall down her face in a steady stream.

I take her in my arms and just let her cry. I know this can’t be easy for her with everything she has been through lately, especially with her being as independent as she is.

Katie has never relied on anyone for anything; as soon as she turned eighteen she lived on her own and paid for college herself. While I lived off of my family’s money and took out loans for school.

She looks up at me with tears rimming her green eyes; I push the strand of dark hair that has fallen back into her face behind her ear. She is so beautiful, even when she is crying. I kiss her gently on the forehead.

“Are you ready to let me help you now?”

“I suppose I have no choice,” she looks down, defeated.

“I promise not to look too much,” I grin. Knowing that deep down I would love to see her body in its natural state.

She slaps me on the arm and laughs. She starts to remove her shirt; I try not to look and instead turn to grab a towel, so she can cover up if she so chooses. I turn back to see her looking at me, sitting in her shorts and a black lace bra. Her hair is falling in her face again making her look so irresistible and sexy.

“I think I’m going to need your help, I can’t undo my bra. My shoulder and wrist are hurting me.”

“Here’s a towel so you can cover up,” I reach the towel out to her. She takes it and sits it on her lap.

“Owen, it is not going to bother me if you see me naked. It’s not like you haven’t seen a naked woman before,” she laughs as she pulls her ponytail holder out, and shakes her hair loose. I don’t think she understands what she is doing to me right now.

“I guess you’re right.” Although there is a major difference, I am in love with this one.

I reach around to unclasp her bra and let it slide off her shoulders. I try hard not to stare as she removes her bra. Her breasts are as perfect as I imagined them that day in the rain. Her flawless, tanned skin is calling out to me, aching to be touched.

She stands and tries to balance on one leg as she removes her shorts; she starts to lose her balance as I stand up to help her. She falls right into my open arms. Her shorts are wrapped around her ankles, I pick her up in my arms and her shorts fall to the floor. I gently place her into the warm bath water, being careful to keep her cast out of the water safe and dry.

“I’m going to let you soak for a few minutes, then I’ll be back to help you finish up and get out.” I turn to leave the bathroom.

“Thank you. I really needed this,” she replies as she wilts further into the water, practically disappearing beneath the bubbles.

OK, this is going to be a lot harder than I thought it would be. How am I going to be able to take care of her, when all I want to do is kiss and caress her beautiful body?

I guess in a way that would be taking care of her. I wonder how she would respond if I tried to kiss her right now. The feel of her soft lips against mine, teasing me until I can’t stand it any longer. I don’t ever want to let her out of my sight again. My phone rings in my pocket.

“Hey Abs, what’s up?”

“I was just calling to check on Katie and to see if she needs anything?”

“Well she’s relaxing in the tub right now if you want to talk to her.”

“Oh really…I think I will call back later and let you to get back to whatever,” I can hear the accusing tone and laughter in her voice.

“It’s not what you think Abby,” I grin…good thing she can’t see my face right now.

“Anyways I will talk to her later. Just tell her I called please.”

“Will do. Bye Abby,” I hang up the phone then head to the kitchen to make some lunch. Forget cooking, I will just order pizza instead.

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