Perfect End to a Perfect Day

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I almost lost it when I saw her walk down the aisle… somehow I managed to hold back the tears. We had been through so much this past year, with her accident, the loss of Abby, and my mother’s stroke, I never thought we would actually make it to this day.

Now here she sat beside me as Mrs. Owen Matthews.

We decided to greet our guest inside the house so that Katie could rest like the doctor ordered. Let me tell you this girl does not listen to orders very well. I don’t know how many times I caught her trying to clean house when she thought I wasn’t looking. She was so stubborn.

As everyone hugged and congratulated us they all paused to lay a hand on Katie’s growing baby bump. I could tell she was getting a little annoyed with it by the fake smile on her face. The one thing I know pregnant women hate is when random people touch their belly.

Katie was being a good sport about it as the last few guests finally filed back out the door. She leaned into my side as I stood next to the couch where she sat.

“So how are you feeling Mrs. Matthews?”

“Perfect Mr. Matthews,” she smiled as she looked up at me.

I scooped her up off the couch and whisked her away to the bedroom.

I laid her down gently on the bed then proceed to help her remove her dress. “Oh, Mr. Matthews, now what did you have in mind,” she playfully bit her finger.

“Well, Mrs. Matthews, I was thinking…that maybe… we could… take a nap,” I laughed. A pillow flew at my head and I ducked just in time and avoided impact.

“You are just plain evil you know that!” She huffed and crossed her arms.

She looked so cute as she sat there and pouted like a child. She had the blanket pulled up to her chest. She could probably read my mind right now of the many things I wanted to do to her. Damn doctor’s orders.

I stripped down to my boxers and motioned for her to scoot up so I could sit behind her. Once I had her positioned right I gently massaged her shoulders. I placed kisses in various areas of her neck. She responded with soft little moans of delight. That woman was so hard to resist.

I moved my hands so that they rested on her belly and she leaned back against my chest. Her hair smelled sweet like vanilla mixed with her favorite perfume.

I couldn’t believe she was mine forever. I closed my eyes as I remembered how beautiful she looked as she walked down the aisle.

I’m jolted awake by a piercing scream.

“Katie what’s wrong?” She doesn’t respond so I gently nudge her.

“Not again…” she mumbled.

“What do you mean not again?”

“It was just a bad dream, the same one as before.”

“Tell me about it,” I said as I pulled her closer to me.

“No, don’t worry about it…it was only a dream.”

I hate when she hides stuff from me just because she thinks she needs to protect me. I am the one who needs to be protecting her.

“I wish you would just tell me about it.”

“No, I don’t want to ruin our perfect day,” she turned her head and smiled at me.

“Well, why don’t you go take a bath and I will make something to eat,” I suggested trying to change the subject.

“A bath sounds nice, and I am starved,” she laughed then proceeded to crawl out of bed.

I could hear her start the bath water as I searched through the cabinets to find something to eat. Well note to self…I definitely need to go shopping, looks like we are stuck having peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for dinner tonight.

I left the food on the counter and headed to the bathroom to check on her. I walked in the door to see that she had lit about twenty candles in there. She looked beautiful in the glow of the candle light. I walked across the room and kneeled by the tub. I gently kissed her on the lips as she puts her warm wet hands on the side of my face.

She teased me with her tongue and bit my lower lip. I returned the gesture with an even deeper kiss. After the kiss ended I gently pushed myself away from her and sat on the floor.

“So where do you want to go for our honeymoon?” I asked her.

“Um, look at me… I don’t think we are going anywhere,” she laughed.

“Well I know not right now, but later. Where would you like to go?”

“Anywhere, as long as you are by my side,” she replied. I smiled and kissed her again.

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