Secrets Revealed

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A/N---This is a revised chapter  I know there is till a big time gap but I can't think of what I want to put in the gap so this is how it is right now :)


Christmas and New Year’s, even Valentine’s Day have come and gone. That accident on New Year’s still haunts me. I have never seen anything like that before. There was so much blood. I am just so thankful that we are ok and did not suffer any injuries. The girl Owen tried to help didn’t make it. She died enroute to the hospital. Owen still beats himself up over it. I have told him over and over he did all he could.

Now we sit here in the waiting room of my doctor’s office hoping we get to find out if we are having a boy or girl. It’s the middle of March now, the snow has melted away and the Daffodils are starting to pop up. I’m about 18 weeks along now and we are excited to see what colors we should paint the baby’s room.

About twenty minutes later we were in the room ready to see our baby on the screen. Owen was holding my hand as the tech moved the wand over my belly taking various pictures at different angles. “Ok are you sure you want to know the sex?” she asked to be sure.

At the same time we both replied “yes” and laughed.

“Well it looks like he is growing well,” she smiled.

“Did you say he?” I asked.

“It’s definitely a boy,” she nodded.

I looked up at Owen’s face and he teared up. I squeezed his hand and said “I told you it was a boy.”

The tech wiped off my belly and printed off a few photos for us to take home and a few for the doctor. She handed us the pictures as we were headed out the door. Owen took me straight home after the appointment, I hated that he had to work today.

He helped me in the house so that I didn’t trip over me stupid feet. We so need a garage. By the time we got into the house all he had time for is a quick kiss for me and one for baby Alex, then he is rushed out the door to get to work by noon.

I sat down on the couch and the next thing I know was I’m being awakened by a knock at the door. Who could that be?

I opened the door to see a man about college age or a little younger standing on my porch looking down at his feet. He looked to be about six feet tall with dark shaggy hair that fell to just above his shoulders. When he looked at me I could see a familiar set of sad brown eyes, but I couldn’t place where I knew them from. His face was scruffy like he hasn’t shaved in a few days. His black leather jacket had a few tears in the sleeves.

“Can I help you?” I asked confused.

“Are you Katie?”

“Yes and you are?”

“I’m Toby, you probably don’t remember me,” he replied as he stared down at his feet.

“I don’t think I know anybody by the name of Toby sorry,” I replied even more confused and started to shiver from the cool air outside.

“My brother was Kyle; I have something I want to tell you before I talk to the police.”

“Come in and sit down,” I ushered him inside towards the couch. I wonder if he knew something about Abby’s murder. That had to be why he was here because he said he was going to the police after here.

“I know Abby was your friend, she was a very kind person.”

“Yes she was my best friend and I miss her every day,” I said as I swallowed back tears.

“You will probably hate me after I tell you what I came to say and I don’t blame you one bit if you do. I just believe you should hear this from me and not the police. I know why Kyle freaked out on Abby. Why he killed her and then himself. You have to know he loved her so much,” he said as he looked down at his feet again.

“How could he love her and butcher her like that,” I said in a harsh accusing tone.

“Abby overheard a conversation between me and my brother regarding an accident I had been in when I was drunk. She freaked out and threatened to call the cops,” he paused.

“Did you hurt someone?”

“Yes, I hit someone and ran. Katie… I was the drunk driver that hit you and left you bleeding on that road back in September. I am so sorry and I have regretted getting behind the wheel that night and hurting you like that. I hate the resulting actions because…”

“You are the one who hit me and left me for dead and you are the reason my best friend is lying in a grave right now!” I screamed as I jumped up and headed to the kitchen. I grabbed the phone and dialed 911. I asked the dispatcher to send an officer to my house.

“I am so sorry and am ready to face my consequences.”

“You are ready to face them now, only after your conscience got to you,” I screamed and grabbed a knife from the butcher block. The look in his eyes of sorrow and regret was all an act, it had to be.

“You are so lucky that I don’t take this knife and gut you like your crazy brother did my best friend. Instead I want to get the joy of seeing you cuffed and thrown in jail for life. I will make sure you never leave that prison for the hell you put me through. If they are stupid enough to let you out I will hunt you down and kill you slowly, so you better hope you stay in that hell hole!” I threatened as the officer came through the front door.

“Officer this man is the reason my best friend is dead and why I was left bleeding in the street. Please get him out of my sight before I end up doing something I will regret.”

The officer read him his rights then escorted him to his cruiser. I couldn’t believe this. I had to go see Owen now before I lost it. I grabbed my coat, purse, and keys then headed out the door to the hospital. Before I pulled out of the drive my eyes were flooded with tears that I could no longer hold back. I sat there banging my hands against the steering wheel. A sharp pain went through my left wrist.

 “Damn it” I yelled. I put the car in reverse, and then headed towards the hospital.

I walked into the waiting area and told the triage nurse I needed to see Owen, and then sat down in an empty chair. My wrist was throbbing now as I held it in my lap.

About ten minutes later Owen came through the double doors and rushed to my side. My wrist was swollen now.

“Katie, are you ok? What’s wrong?” He asked as I fell into his arms and cried.

He let me cry for a few minutes then ushered me into one of the empty rooms. 

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