One Really Hot Shower

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A/N--- I am not completely done with this chapter. I have revised it to fi some issues but my husband says I need to stretch out the scene some so I will be revising this chapter again. Don't forget to comment and vote :)


“I guess it is not so much a secret, your sprinkler hosed me down,” I laughed.

            “I’m sorry,” She laughed so hard she almost fell over.

            I laughed with her because it was a funny story. Everything that I had gone through today was worth this very moment. This woman just made me the happiest man alive. I can’t believe she was going to be mine forever.

            “I need to call Abby!” she exclaimed.

            I put my arms around her and pulled her close to me as I whispered, “can’t it wait till tomorrow.”

            “No it cannot wait until tomorrow,” she replied then turned away and walked towards the kitchen.

            “Well I am going to take a shower while you talk,” I said.

            She was already on the phone squealing as I headed towards the shower in the spare bedroom. The warm water felt good on my face and chest. It had been a long day full of many obstacles, most of them involving water. I laughed to myself as I felt a set of arms wrap around me.

I jumped a little, not realizing that she was there. Her head and chest pressed against my back, I smiled and looked down at her hand where my ring sat on her finger.  I turned around so I faced her and the water ran down my back. I drug my finger tips from her navel, up her chest until I reached her neck.

 I took her face in my hands as I kissed her deeply while the water splashed her face. I lifted her up as she wrapped her legs around my waist. Her back was pressed against the shower wall as I caressed her breasts and teased her nipples with my tongue until they were completely erect.

 Her fingernails dug into my upper back as she moved her head to the side exposing her neck. I gently trailed kisses from her breast to her ear lobe. A small moan escaped her lips as I slowly entered her.

The feel of her moist tender flesh against my throbbing manhood sent sensations of ecstasy throughout my body. She moaned as I delved deeper into her with each rhythmic push. I wanted to be fully consumed by her. She cried out against my throat as I continued to thrust deeper into her. She dug her nails deeper into my flesh as she screamed out. Pulsating waves of pleasure pulsed through me as I plunged over the crest poring myself into her.  She left me breathless and wanting more.

We continued to kiss as I slowly lowered her to the floor.

“I love you Mr. Matthews,” She said

“I love you too, soon to be Mrs. Matthews,” I smiled.

“I like the sound of that,” she said and kissed me again.

She started to shiver as I turned off the water and handed her a towel. She looked so beautiful standing there in that towel with her long dark hair dripping wet.  I stood there and just stared at her as she pulled a brush through her tangled hair. She turned around and smiled as she asked “what?”

“I’m just thinking,” I replied.

“About?” she asked while she brushed her hair.

“How lucky I am,” I leaned against the sink wrapped in a towel.

“And how lucky are you Mr. Matthews?” She walked over towards me.

“The luckiest man alive right now,” I said as I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her passionately, showing her how much I wanted her. I picked her up in my arms and carried her to the bedroom as she giggled.

“What is so funny?” I asked as I gently placed her on the bed and laid next to her.

“I am just so happy right now that I can’t contain myself,” she replied.

“Let’s run away,” I whispered as I ran my fingers through her wet hair.

“Why do we need to run away, everything is perfect?” she asked with a puzzled look on her face.

“I want to get married right now,” I said smiling at the thought of having her as mine forever.

“Oh,” she sighed and looked disappointed. She laid there with her hands on her chest.

“Oh, Katie we can have that big wedding if you want,” I grabbed her hand and gently kissed the back of it.

“Really?” She smiled as her eyes lit up.

“Of course I would do anything for you,” I replied, but I might regret that thought later.

“When you say anything…” she giggled. I could only imagine what thought ran through her head right now.

“What exactly do you want?” I asked cautiously.

“I want you to run around the room and act like a monkey,” she laughed as she sat up and wiggled her finger around.

I went to stand up when she grabbed my arm and said “it was a joke.” We both laughed.

I climbed back in bed and wrapped her in my arms. I kissed her on the forehead and whispered, “I love you forever and always.”

“Well we had better get some sleep we have a long day ahead of us with all the wedding plans that need to made,” she said excited.

“Are you sure you want to marry me?” I asked as I played with a loose strand of her hair.

She moved her right index finger to her lips and gently bit down on it and said, “I don’t know maybe I should think about this.”

“Take all the time you need sweetheart,” I said as she smiled at me.

“Of course I want to marry you!” she exclaimed and practically bounced with excitement.

            She rolled over on top of me and kissed me while I ran my fingers across her back. She pushed herself off of me then laughed.

            “If we keep this up we will never get any sleep,” she said.

            “Who needs sleep?” I laughed as I pulled her close to me again.

            “Don’t you start back at work tomorrow night?” she asked.

            “Oh yeah I forgot that,” I yawned.

            “Better get to sleep then, I don’t want my man killing someone because he was tired,” she said touching my nose with her finger.

            “Your man, I like the sound of that,” I smiled.

            She snuggled back into my arms as I kissed her goodnight.

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