Too Soon

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“I can’t be in labor, it is too early!” I screamed as another contraction rippled through me.

Owen held my hand. With every contraction I dug my nails deeper into his hand. I could see him wince in pain but I couldn’t help it.

“I am going to give you some meds to hopefully stop the contractions. The good thing is that you are not dilated yet and your water has not broken,” the doctor assured me.

“Please make it stop! He is too little right now!” I continued screaming. I knew I was making a fool of myself at the moment by screaming, but if you could feel my pain right now you would be screaming too.

The pains were starting to get further apart, so I hoped that meant the medicine was doing its job. Owen continued to hold my hand and wiped the hair out of my face with the other hand. I don’t know what I would have done if he wasn’t by my side through this. They must have given me something for the pain also because I could barely keep my eyes open.

   The sun was bright that morning as I stepped out of the front door and started my walk down the aisle. I held onto Abby’s arm tightly as we walked, I was so afraid my wobbly knees were not going to hold out. Blood red rose petals lined the aisle as our family and friends looked on. But no one was looking at me… they all stared straight ahead of them. Most of them were crying. As I walked further down the aisle I could see the petals turn to blood.

Why was there blood? What was going on? Abby and I finally made our way to the altar where Owen was kneeling. He held one single red rose in his hand. He stood up and placed the rose on the open casket then whispered “I love you, forever and always.”

Wait this wasn’t my wedding it was a funeral. Whose funeral was it? Owen walked right past me as I reached out to comfort him. Tears ran down my face from his rejection. I slowly worked my way closer to the casket to see who was inside. I looked down then looked back up at Abby horrified at what I had seen… all she did was nod her head.

I sat straight up in the hospital bed and screamed. Owen jumped up from the chair he was asleep in and rushed to my side.

“What’s wrong? Are you in pain again?”

“No. I am much better now… it was just a bad dream.” There was no way I could tell Owen what I had just saw.

The doctor came in the door a few minutes later to check on me and make sure my contractions had stopped. I haven’t felt any more pain since I fell asleep so I assumed they had stopped.

“Ok it looks like you are good to go home now; I haven’t seen any more contractions on the monitor in the past 2 hours so I think your labor has stopped. Bad news is you are stuck on bed rest until your due date…I will right you an excuse for work so you can start your maternity leave now,” he explained.

This was not going to be fun at all. I had so much to do for the wedding still, how could I just sit around and do nothing. I wouldn’t put it past Owen to take time off just to make sure I followed doctors’ orders.

“I understand, although I’m not saying I am thrilled about the idea of staying in bed until almost the end of July,” I complained. I threw the blankets off of me and moved to sit on the edge of the bed.

“Don’t worry I will make sure she follows orders,” Owen said.

“Ok so let’s go home so you can chain me to the bed,” I laughed.

The doctor left the room laughing. I wasn’t joking really… he would probably do it if I let him. Although…that would be kind of a kinky idea if you think about it. Dang that means no sex either… oh how will I survive? Lots of chocolate, especially that cake Doretta made. Owen helped me get dressed so we could head home.

On the way home I remembered my dream and what I had saw lying in the casket. It was a hard thing to process.

“Let’s get married on Saturday,” I blurted out.

“What? Where is that coming from?”

“I want to be married before Alex gets here and at the rate we are going he will be here first.” I couldn’t tell him the real reason why I wanted to get married as soon as possible.

“Ok well let’s do it then if that is what you really want. I already told you I would have run away with you the day I proposed.”

He pulled in the drive then helped me into the house and straight to bed. This was going be a long 10 weeks. Owen came back to the room with a tray full of junk food and some water. I just looked at him with a very confused face.

“Are you really planning on chaining me to the bed?”

“Nope this is just for tonight so you don’t have to make trips to the kitchen,” he laughed.

“Oh you are so funny… I still have to go pee like every hour so I will still be getting up. Or do you also have a bedpan hidden under the bed.”

He leaned over the side of the bed, “As a matter of a fact I might just...” I didn’t even let him finish the sentence before I pushed him off the bed. I could hear him laughing as he lay on the floor. A few minutes went by then I saw his face peek over the edge of the mattress.

“Is it safe yet?” He laughed. I picked up his pillow and threw it at him. It nailed him right in the face.

“Now it is,” I laughed.

“Ok I surrender,” he said as he climbed back up on the bed. I curled up in his arms.

“So when are we moving?” I asked.

“Week can start tomorrow if you want that way you can be there at the house to plan the wedding,” he replied.

“Sounds like a plan to me.”

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