Happy Birthday (New Chapter)

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A/N--- another new chapter I just added :)


            I met up with Katie at the café for lunch. By the time she walked in the door the waitress was bringing out the food.

            “Perfect timing,” I said as I stood up and gave her a quick kiss.

            “It smells so much better than the cafeteria food,” she laughed.

“Anything is better than the mystery meat. So how has your day been so far?”

 “Pretty good. You won’t believe who my assistant is right now. A very pregnant Allison Greene…well Daniels now.” She started to nibble on her fires.

“Wow…How did that go?” I watched her dip her fry in ranch dressing.

“She hasn’t changed much…oh yeah she wants your body,” she laughed.

“Well bring it on.” Her eyes got wide with that comment and I laughed.

“You know you are the only woman for me,” I reassured her.

She blushed and continued eating her food. “So have you gotten anything done today?” She asked.

“I did get groceries, but that is about it,” I laughed. No way I could tell her what I was really up to.

“I was hoping you would get some of the wedding stuff done. But oh well…guess I will do that later.”

We finished lunch and she headed back to school. Abby was supposed to meet me back at the house to decorate. Tomorrow was Katie’s birthday so we were going to surprise her with a party tonight.

Abby sat on the front porch as I pulled into the drive. She had three paper bags sitting next to her.

“Hey Abs. Did you get everything we needed?” I asked as I walked up to the front door.

“I sure hope so,” she laughed.

About an hour later we had the house decorated. Mom and Dad pulled in the drive and brought several covered dishes into the house. Mom grinned from ear to ear as she walked into the kitchen.

“Help your dad get the rest of the food into the house.”

“Mom and Dad, you remember Abby right?”

“Oh yes we couldn’t forget that pretty face.” Abby smiled as Mom hugged her.

“Katie should be home in about thirty minutes,” I said as I followed dad out the door.

“Your mom thought she needed to feed an army,” dad complained.

“So how is your back doing? Are the new meds helping any?”

“I’m hanging in there…don’t worry about me bot,” he said as we carried the last of the dishes to the kitchen.

“Owen I absolutely love your mom,” Abby squealed.

“Where’s Kyle?” I asked.

“He is going to be a little late. He has to close up tonight,” she replied as she pulled the cake out of the fridge.

My phone beeped and I looked to see a message from Katie.

Leaving school now be home in 5- Katie

“Hey you guys she will be here in a few minutes.”

“Yay!” Abby squealed and clapped her hands. Sometimes she can be such a kid.

The front door opened and Katie walked in with an armful of papers.

“Surprise!” Everyone yelled in unison.

“Happy birthday Katie,” I said and kissed  her.

“Wow I wasn’t expecting this at all,” she smiled.

“That’s the point of a surprise silly,” Abby said and hugged her.

I took the papers and bag from her hands so she could greet her guests. “Mmmmm…something smells good,” she said as she walked over to mom.

“Mom thought she needed to feed the whole town,” I laughed.

“Oh hush….I had to make my baby girl her favorites,” mom said.

“Awww… thank you,’ Katie said as she hugged mom tightly.

Kyle showed up about ten minutes later then we sat down for dinner. The food was amazing and the cake was very chocolaty just the way Katie liked it.

Katie opened up her gifts after dinner then thanked everyone for coming. After Abby walked out the door Katie turned around and wrapped her arms around me and kissed me hard on the mouth.

“What was that for?” I asked.

“For everything…you are an amazing man.”

With that I picked her up and carried her off to the bedroom.

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