What are we? (New chapter)

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A/N--- Ok so this is a brand new chapter :) I hope you don't get confused when you read the next chapter because there is actually going to be another chapter between this one and the next. I have been in the process of revising and taking on line classes so I have been slow at posting the revisions sorry. I hope you are enjoying my story. Vote and Comment. I love to hear feedback :)


“What do you say we go to the mall or something?” She asked while I dumped the scrambled eggs onto two plates.

“Are you serious…really…the mall? Come on I’m a guy and we don’t do malls,” I laughed while I handed her a plate. She stuck her tongue out at my response.

“I just want to get out. Last night was fun for a change. Don’t get me wrong I love it here at the cabin I am just getting bored and stir crazy,” she moved the eggs around on her plate. I stood across from her against the counter eating my food. She sat at the breakfast bar with her head propped up with her elbow on the counter and just continued to play with the food on her plate.

“Besides if we go to the mall I will end up having to carry you through it. You barely made it through the grocery store yesterday,” I added. I have to admit she does look a little on the bored side at the moment. It must be rough for her not being able to come and go as she pleases.

“Hey, cut me some slack… that was my first time truly being out and walking since my accident. So sorry if I got tired,” she pushed her plate away from her making a face of disgust.

“Are you not hungry?” I asked a little confused.

“Not really,” she said as she looked up at my and frowned.

“Ok what is really wrong?” I asked knowing she was hiding something.

“Nothing. Well…actually…What are we?”

“What do you mean what are we?” I replied. Her face was all wrinkled up like she was trying hard to figure something out.

“Us. Are we together? Or am I totally reading the whole incident from yesterday completely wrong.” I walked around the counter, stood behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist while my chin rested on her right shoulder.

“Well what do you want us to be?” I whispered in her ear. She giggled in response. I kissed her neck gently as she tried to break free of my embrace.

“Stop it I am being serious here. What are we? Am I your girlfriend or are we just friends who like to play around and flirt with each other?” She turned around and glared at me.

“Do you want to be my girlfriend?” I asked. That sounded better in my head and not as childish as it seemed now.

“Stop answering my questions with another question. I asked you a simple…” I grabbed her face with my hands and kissed her square on the lips. She placed her hands against my chest as if she was ready to push me away. For a moment I thought she would push me away but instead she didn’t break from the kiss and just melted into me. We continued to kiss for a few minutes until she gently pushed me away.

“Does that answer your question?” I asked almost breathless. She shook her head no. I know what she wanted and that was for me to say that she was. I’m not stupid… all women are like that.

“Katie I would love nothing more than to call you mine. If that is what you are wanting,” I smiled at her. She played with the hem of my shirt then looked up and smiled.

“Of course that is what I want.” She smiled then pulled me close and wrapped her arms around my neck.

“So what do you want to do today?” I asked. I could think of a hundred different things that we could do that don’t even require leaving this house.

“Let’s just go drive somewhere. I don’t care where,” she replied.

“Well ok then…let’s go.” I picked her up and headed towards the door.

“Wait! Put me down. I am not even dressed yet.” She slapped me in the shoulder.

“You look hot just the way you are.” I just smirked at her then sat her down. She was wearing one of my t-shirts and a pair of very short sleep shorts. They barely covered her ass. She had her hair pulled up into a messy somewhat pony tail thing. I don’t know what they call it. I just know she looked hot to me right now.

“Well I may look hot but I am not going out in public with you looking like you just crawled out of bed,” she wiggled her finger at me.

“What? I thought I looked sexy. Thought girls went crazy for the messy hair look and boxers,” I laughed.

“Just go take a shower,” she laughed.

I headed down the hall towards the bathroom then turned around and said, “Wanna join me?” She just shook her head no and laughed. “Can’t blame a guy for trying,” I smiled.

I jumped in and out of the shower real quick then emerged from the bathroom just wearing a towel. She no longer sat at the bar so she must have been in the bedroom getting dressed. I walked into the bedroom to find her sitting on the bed texting someone. Most likely Abby…Those two are inseparable.

I grabbed her phone out of her hand and she shrieked. “So who are we talking to?” I asked pretending to search through her phone.

“Hey give that back!” She yelped as she tried to grab the phone from me. I walked to the head of the bed and sat down.

“Owen is such a sexy stud,” I said as I pretended to read from her phone.

“I did not write that,” she pushed me in the arm knocking me over so I was now lying on my side with her phone behind my back.

“Oh so you don’t think I’m sexy,” I frowned. She crawled onto the bed and sat beside me then laughed.

“I did not say that either,” she protested between fits of laughter. She tried to reach behind my back to grab the phone but I pulled her down so that she landed on top of me. Her hair fell across her shoulder and brushed my bare skin. She brought her lips to mine and kissed me. I dropped the phone to my side and wrapped my fingers in her hair.

She pushed herself off me then smiled and said, “Thank you.”

Oh she was a sneaky little thing distracting me like that. “That was not fair,” I laughed as I just laid there.

“Come on get up and get dressed.”

“Ok you win.” I got up and walked to the closet pulling out some jeans, boxers and a clean shirt. After I put my clothes and shoes on we headed out the door.

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