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A/N--- Here is the revised chapter 6 hope you enjoy! don't forget to comment and vote if you like it.


I have waited for this moment for what seems like forever. Laying in Owen’s strong, warm embrace and just listening to his heart. I could stay like this for the rest of my life. Well, minus the pain in my head and leg. Maybe I should call the nurse for something to take the edge off, so that I can rest.

Owen is asleep now and I don’t want to wake him, so I carefully reach past him to hit the call button. A few minutes later the nurse comes into the room.

“What can I do for you Katie?” she asks softly.

I can’t speak so all I can do is point to my leg which is in the cast.

“Are you in pain?” she asks. I nod my head softly.

The nurse leaves, and about five minutes later returns with two pills and a small cup of water. My throat is so sore and scratchy that it is very difficult for me to swallow the pills. I finally get them down and mouth the words “Thank you” to the nurse. She looks at Owen, smiles then leaves. I lay my head back on his chest and listen to his heart beat until it lulls me to sleep.

I awaken to the bright, warm sun shining through the window onto my face. I look to where Owen was last night and there is just an empty space next to me. He was there. I wasn’t dreaming right? No, this is definitely not a dream.

The next thing I see is a very emotional Abby walking through my door. Tears are falling down her face as she cries, “Oh my God, I was so worried.”

She walks across the room and hugs me so tight that she knocks the air out of me.

“Where’s Owen?” she asks. I just shrug, point to my throat, and shake my head.

“Oh, you can’t speak?” she asks concerned, as the nurse enters the room and brings me more pain meds.

“The tube we had down her throat caused some swelling to her vocal cords, so until the swelling goes down we are urging her not to speak,” the nurse explains, then hands me the pills. I swallow them, and then she leaves the room.

“Well, since you can’t talk I guess you’ll just have to listen to my voice,” she smirks. I just smile.

She has her hair pulled back today and it looks funny seeing her in jeans and a t-shirt. She is normally more particular about how she is dressed, especially out in public.

“I’m surprised Owen isn’t here, he hasn’t left your side since the accident,” she smiles.

So, I wasn’t dreaming! He was here last night. I didn’t imagine his arms around me, holding me. After what Abby just said how could I be mad at him any longer for abandoning me in the past?  I start to get sleepy again as Abby continues to talk about anything and everything. I close my eyes and hear Abby softly whisper “I’ll be back later.”

I awaken later to a soft kiss on my forehead. When I open my eyes Owen is standing over me smiling. All I can do is look into his blue eyes and smile. His dark hair is messy and his face is a little scruffy, but he looks amazing. His shirt looks rumpled as if he had slept in it. I wonder when the last time he had a decent shower and good night’s sleep was. I can’t believe he has been here this long.

“Good afternoon, sleeping beauty,” he says. “Are you in any pain?” I shake my head.

Everything is perfect, now that he is here.

“I have just talked to your doctors, and they said that you will be able to go home in a couple of days as long as you have someone there 24-7 to help you,” he explains. “So, I guess you are looking at your own personal nurse,” he smiles.

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