Part 5

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It was the next morning as Louise woke up, her eyes were swollen from too much crying. She didn't want to get out of bed but she had to go to school. She could believe what had happened between her and Logan, everything was new to Louise and she couldn't understand what she was feeling when it came to tommy and Logan. Louise made it through the door when she saw tommy standing outside, "good morning Louise, what happened last night. You left me alone in the rain" said tommy in an angry tone. "Hey tommy, what are you doing here so early in the morning" said Louise as she was trying to change the subject, "well Louise" said tommy in a loud voice. Louise wasn't in the mood to talk about last, "I had things to do, last night that I forgot to do" said Louise as she raised an eyebrow up, "what did you have to do that was important, then what we were doing" said tommy in an angry tone, "what do you mean " what we were doing?" Ohhhhh you mean the part in which you forced a kiss on me" said Louise as she said in a very annoyed voice. Tommy came closer to Louise then grabbed her waist and pushed her closer and whispered in her ear " I know you liked it Louise, you don't have to hide" said tommy then he lifted Louise chin up and kissed again. Louise tried to fight him off, "get off me" said Louise in an angry tone, when Louise managed to get him off her, she smacked him and ran off. Louise ran and bumped into Logan who was going to school, Louise fell to the floor. Logan turned around to see what had hit him, when he saw Louise on the ground and turned to face front and started walking away. " at least you can say SORRY" screamed Louise then she lifted her head up and saw Logan walking away. Louise got up really quickly and grabbed Logan hand again, she knew that it was gonna end up like last time but she didn't care, she want to see Logan and it wasn't gonna stop her from Logan not wanting to see her. Logan reacted the same way and smacked her hand away, Louise grabbed his hand again "why did you kiss me Logan" said Louise, "I was bored, I wanted to have some fun that's all" said Logan as he tried so hard not to look at Louise. Louise let go of his hand " you were bored, that's why you kiss me" Louise said as she tried not to look hurt by the word he spoke of. "Oh right I forgot, I'm just a play toy to you" Louise said as tears began to fall down, Louise ran passing Logan, Logan wanted to grabbed her hand and hug her but he couldn't move. Logan felt so stupid for said what he said, "why can't I ever get it right" sigh Logan as he turned around to see Louise disappear from sight. (((((Logan was convinced that Louise liked tommy and Louise was convinced that Logan hated her.)))))


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