Part 15

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As the door of the church opened everyone looked behind them. "who gave you permission to get married" said the unknown guy as he walked in, everyone couldn't see well due to the sun but the closer the guy walk in everyone was confuse. " who do you think you are, coming in like you did" screamed Louise in anger. "did you forget me already Four-Eyes" said the unknown guy. Tina, Gene, Bob and Linda screamed "LOGAN" " i object" said Logan as he raised his hand up in the air. Louise was in shock "Logan" mumbled Louise, Bobby looked at Louise and grabbed her hand " don't you see she's marring me, why don't you leave" scream Bobby as he got in front to Louise. Louise pushed Bobby out of her way " is that really you Logan" said Louise as she step down the alter, Logan nodded Louise walked over to Logan and gut push him , Logan fell to the ground and grabbed his stomach " i dissever that" said Logan in pain, Louise began to cry " i thought i wasn't never gonna see you again, you left me alone I HATE YOU" said Louise as she covered her face. Logan got up and hugged Louise "am sorry i left you for so long but i won't ever leave your side so please don't say you hate me cause then i won't know what to do" said Logan as tears came down. Everyone was surprise by everything that went down "Louise" said Bobby Louise turned around "am sorry Bobby but i can't marry you, i never love" then she turned to her parents " am sorry dad, am sorry mom" said Louise "it's fine Louise, we also known that you love Logan, go!!!" said Bob " thank you Mr. B" said Logan then he picked up Louise and kissed her, they turned and walked off. " Louise" screamed Bobby, everyone was just looking at Bobby at that was left in the alter. 

.................. TO BE CONTINUED 

Bob's burgers  3 months Later ( Louise X Logan)Where stories live. Discover now