Part 6

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The further Logan pushed Louise away, the closer she got to tommy. One month passed and Louise and tommy started going out, it was hard for Logan to watch them so he try his best not to bump into them. One day Logan was at home by himself when he heard the door bell ring, he went to open the door. "It's you, wha wha what are you doing here" said Logan looking confused look on his face. "Aren't you happy to see me" said the unknown girl. "No no I'm not, after what happen last time, NO" said Logan with a angry tone, "you still mad at me" said the unknown girl. Logan raised an eyebrow and said "what do you think", "come on don't be like that, after all I'm your ex" said the unknown girl with a smile. "Fine, what do you need Amber" said Logan, "let go for a walk around town, am new to the area so show me around" said Amber as she grabbed Logan hand. Logan sigh "fine but leave me alone after words", "deal" said Amber. As Logan and Amber walked around, Louise was on the next block but on the other side when she saw Logan with this girl, acting all friendly. Louise didn't like it and wanted to walk towards Logan and this girl when she remembered what had happened between them, plus she was dating tommy. Louise saw them walking towards wonder wharf, she decided to follow them but she remembered that she had to meet tommy for they're date. Louise meet up with tommy and she came up with a plan to take him to wonder wharf as well. Over at wonder wharf Logan and Amber were talking about they're past together, when they stopped by the Port to see the sun set, "Logan have to ask you something" said Amber, " what is it, did something happened" asked Logan in a worried tone, "well the thing is I have to find my brother, that's why I came here" said Amber with serious look on her face. "Oh what happened to your brother??" said Logan, "I found a letter at home when I came back from my trip with my boyfriend, he had written that he wanted to the person that made me cry pay but he thought we were still going out so he came here to make you suffer. I try to come earlier but there wasn't any flight left and had to wait a few days to get here." Said Amber as she was afraid to look at Logan cause she was thought her brother already got to him". "Wait what!!!!, why do your brother think we're still going" said Logan with a confused look on his face, " well because I never gotten the changes to tell him" Amber said with a half a smile. "Amber, what the hell"said Logan as he raised his voice,"my sorry Logan, I haven't told my brother cause we haven't talked much and when my brother called I picked up crying" said Amber embarrassed, "why were you crying" said Logan, "logan, I'm getting married!!!" Said Amber all excited. "What?? congratulations Amber, but still your brother is after me" said Logan as he started to get made all over again, "I don't even know how he looks" said Logan, " well his your height and with black hair" said Amber. "Wait!! Is his name by any chance tommy"said Logan in a desperate voice, "omg yea, have you meet alrea~~dy" said Amber as she came to realize that they meet, "yea we have, he stole the girl I love away" said Logan. "Omg, I'm sorry Logan. That must have been his way at getting back at you" said Amber, "Louise" said Logan with a worried look on his face.


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