Part 16 (End)

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Logan and Louise left the church in Logan car " i can't believe i just did that" said Louise " i can't believe you would married someone that wasn't me" pout Logan " well who's fault do you think it is" said Louise looking away. Logan stopped the car right there " hey, you could have killed me" screamed Louise as she turned towards Logan thats when Logan grabbed Louise and kissed her " that's why am never leaving your side, i don't know what you might do if am not next to you" said Logan then he drove off. The sun was finally started to set " where are we going" said Louise confuse because Logan have been driving all night "well i have a suprise for" said Logan as he stop in front of wonder wharf " you do know it close right" said Louise as she got out of the car " yea i know, i rent out wonder wharf just for you" said Logan as he grabbed Louise in and headed inside. In side wonder wharf Mickey was waiting for them, the light went on and everything looked beautiful. " did you really rent to whole place" asked Louise, Logan nodded. Logan took Louise and lead her to the pier, both Logan and Louise looked at each other " Louise you're the love of my life, I know i have a lot of explaining to do. 10 years have past that i had suffer because you weren't by my side and now that am back i don't ever want to go anywhere if you aren't there with me"said Logan as he got on one knee "Louise would you marry me and make me the happiest man on earth" said Logan as he took out a box and opened it "well what do you say" asked Logan, Louise began to cry "yes, i'll marry you under on condition" said Louise " name it" said logan as he stood up "please don't ever leave me alone, i can't make it on my own if you're not there with me" said Louise as she covered her face crying " you don't have to worry anymore" said Logan when he pulled her in his arm and kissed her.

1 year later 

I pronounce you man and wife, you may now kiss the bride " I've been waiting for this day all my life" said Logan 💘

**** This is the end of the chapter, i bet everyone is wondering what the hell happened to Logan when his mother took him away?? If you want to know, please let me know that way i can add one more chapter explaining everything from Logan point of view. I want to THANK everyone that read the story from beginning to end, am gonna miss writing this but i'll think of more story to write OF LOUISE X LOGAN or maybe TINA X JIMMY JR.. If you want to write another book please do let me know. am working on another book of LOUISE X LOGAN if any of you guys don't know it's call " Falling in love you" so make sure you read that. THANK EVERYONE FOR THE SUPPORT.

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