Chapter 1

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All I have ever known was darkness and pain. No windows, no gaps in the walls. Just a solitary steel door.Stairs descending into this pit I call home. There was a stainless steel table in the space next to the stairs. Instruments of torment lined the walls next to the table. I only see light when the door opens and I recieve my daily meal and even then I have to squint so I don't hurt my eyes.

I don't remember anything before my life here. I think I had a family but I have long forgotten their faces. I think I had a name but that has also escaped my memory.

I have never seen my captor's face. Light spilling from the door behind him shrouds his face in shadows, or at least I think it is a man. Agony trails behind him like a mist. Every time he enters I can already feel the pain of his experiments.

My skin was deathly pale from lack of sunlight. My black hair has grown long and matted from years of neglect and it tends to hang in my face. At least I think it's been years. I have long since lost track of time.

I bet you're wondering why I haven't tried to escape. Well it's because I have chains on and attached to the wall. The one around my neck makes it hard to eat sometimes and the ones holding my arms bruise my wrists. They are only about two feet long so I haven't even been able to explore the room I'm in.

Sometimes the man mutters something about me being dangerous, but it's not my fault I have wings, it's his. I have to bear the pain of cramped wings and old scars along my body. It's not my fault I was taken from my family.

It's not my fault.
I woke up to yelling and crashing above me. I tried to sink into the corner, making myself as small as possible. Yelling means the man is mad and that never turns out well for me. I have the scars to prove it.

I heard a thump followed by silence. Now I was truly scared. I didn't know what to do. I tried to hide behind my wings but my chains got in the way.

There was two large bangs before the door burst open and large silhouettes flooded in with lights strapped to thier heads. I counted three. I couldn't help but try and blend in with the walls as I heard them gasp. I knew wings weren't normal. The man never had them.

One of the people put down a large weapon, it looked dangerous. He started to inch closer, cautiously, like a zoo keeper approaching a lion.

"It's going to be alright sweetheart, we're going to get you out of here." he said.

I dared not speak, I've been conditioned not to speak, so I just nodded.

He spoke into his shoulder asking for a paramedic. He then yelled at someone behind him to get him bolt cutters.

The man crept closer with his hands up and a gentle smile on his face. He crouched down in front of me.

"You've got nothing to afraid of."

I couldn't help but believe him and when he cut me from the wall I let him guide me up the stairs with inches of chain hanging from my wrists. Shielding my eyes from the harsh light I looked at my savior. He had blonde hair cut short enough to not hang in his eyes and blue eyes. I looked at him and one thought crosses my mind.

'I'm saved'

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