Chapter 13

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We walked out of the lobby to stand at a podium just outside the station's doors. As we stepped out the media started swarming around the podium yelling out questions.

"How will you be helping the city!?"

"Will you be working closely with the police?!"

"Will you be abiding by the same protocols as a beat cop?!"

Rogers stepped up to the podium first. He tapped the microphone and the crowd silenced. There were cameras everywhere.

"I'm only here to introduce our newest city protector and clarify anything." Bruce said. He gestured for me to start speaking.

In the moment that I walked up I was grateful for my goggles because with all the flashes my eyes might have shown through. There weren't many teenage girls walking around with amber eyes.

"Many of you have started calling me The Fallen Angel," I started, "and that's the way it's going to be. The only reason I'm partnering with the police was because I wanted help the city anyway. Hopefully with each others help we can make this city safer. I will be following the protocols and rules as closely as I can. I will not have a gun, taser, baton, or car but I get handcuffs. I will report to the nearest officer with a car so they can transport the criminal to the station. If I'm close enough to the station, let's hope the perpetrator isn't afraid of heights. Any questions?"

"Why have you chosen to wear casual clothes rather than an angelic dress?" A male reporter asked from the back. I sighed.

"Three things. Firstly, I've been locked in a basement for most of my life and I even know that was a bit sexist. Secondly, I don't need people recording up my dress when I fly. Third, do you really think anyone would take me seriously in a fight if I showed up in a dress?" I said. I was looking straight at the reporter who had asked the question. He was blushing and looking down.

"Anyone else?" I asked looking over the crowd. A blonde woman from the front raised her hand and I nodded at her.

"Are you getting paid?" She asked. I crinkled my eyebrows in thought.

"Crap, I don't even know," I looked back at Rogers, "Am I getting paid?"

He nodded at me. I shrugged. That was cool.

"I guess I am. I hadn't even thought about that." Laughs spread through the crowd.

"How was it to be a captive most of your life?" I didn't even know who said it. I squeezed my eyes shut and took a deep breath

"Hell." I ground out. It turned silent. I took another breath.

"I think that's enough for today." I thanked everyone for giving me a chance and as I was leaving I saw movement on the building across the street.
Most of the media had already left so I decided it was time to investigate the movement I had seen. I flew high enough just to breach the clouds before I descended onto the roof. I landed in the light of a bill board on the next roof over. I guess I wasn't as graceful as a real angel because I was loud enough for the figure to turn towards me. I walked toward it slowly.

"You here to arrest me?" a voice said. It was distinctly male with a small digital undertone.

"Depends, you do anything?" I said. I was trying to keep it cool but on the inside I was nervous. The figure stepped into the light.

"Well I didn't exactly join the police to bring justice." he said. It was Rebel. He looked tense. His chains in each hand. I didn't know what to say. I guess my silence was a bad sign because he lashed out. A chain whipped out and wrapped around my ankle. It hadn't occurred to me what happened until later.

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