(Charles xavier) he looks through your mind

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Charles couldn't help it, your thoughts were too loud to ignore, how you wanted to harm yourself, kill yourself because you feel like you don't belong there. You were in your room crying thinking of these hateful things then you hear a loud bang at the door, you hid any sign to show that you had been crying then opened the door, to your surprise it was Raven asking if she could borrow your gym clothes because you were the same size and she had also lost hers. Then 10 minutes later you hear a quiet knock on the door you opened it thinking it was Raven to return them or something but it was Charles with a sad face. "What have I done now because I don't remember braking anything" he gave a quiet chuckle and said "your not in trouble, I know you are going to be mad at me when I tell you this" I gave it one thought and knew what he was on about. My anger rose up as I glared at Charles and said "Charles you promised you would never go in my mind, why would you go behind my back like that?" He look at you apologetically before saying sadly "your mind is to loud and I couldn't help myself and with thoughts like that I needed to talk to you about it, I didn't mean it but your harming thoughts were to loud" you looked at him and just broke down, you clung to your knees for dear life and sobbed into the clothing making it damp. You heard a wheeling sound coming towards you and you knew it was Charles he patted you and you looked up to see his arms open, you ran into them and sobbed into his chest staining his shirt with your tears "Y/N what has made you think these thoughts?" You looked up at him and said with a shaky voice "when I was younger everyone called me a freak because I was a mutant they would bully me and tell me to die, so ever since I got here I thought everyone might still think that of me even though I am the same to everyone" he sighed and looked at me before saying "Y/N listen to me, everyone here loves you, nobody doesn't like you or hate you, everyone thinks you are the kindest sweetest girl there is, Y/N you are like a sister to me and I can't lose you at any cost at all, so please for everyone's sake don't think those thoughts ever again" I sighed and thought about it for a minute and said "fine" he looked at me sternly before putting out his pinky "pinky promise" I laughed and connected my pinky with his and said "pinky promise" I saw him smile before giving me a grin before
saying "so about you and Hank......" I interrupted him by yelling "CHARLES!!!!" He shrugged before you started laughing and then he started laughing along with you until he stops and says "now get some rest you have training with Hank tomorrow" he wiggles his eyebrows before turning around you got up and shoved him across the hall in the wheelchair. He started laughing "Y/N get of I have papers to sign" he says while giggling. He wonders off and you lie on your bed thinking "thank you Charles" then you hear a voice in your head saying "no problem Y/N" you laugh and say aloud "you cheeky little shit" then you heard him shout from the hallway "but you love me" you laugh to yourself before going into a nice quiet slumber

A/N I really hope you like this one guys and remember to leave a comment if you want a imagine I just need a name, who you would like the imagine about, your hair colour, eye colour and what you would like to happen in the imagine.

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