Azazel request

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I jumped down the submarine with shaw and everyone else. Azazel grabbed my attention out of all of them for some reason.i shrugged it off as shaw showed  me the back of the submarine "azazel, show Cheyenne all the submarine controls she needs to know about" he and I both nodded and he led me over to a bunch of controls "right, so this lever here makes the submarine go up and down and this one controls the heating and the air freshener..." he carried on while pointing to each control individually. My black hair fell in front of my face as I worked the controls to get the submarine up to get ice for shaw for his bloody brandy. I sometimes don't like being at his beck and call but I work for him now so I basically have no choice unless I want to be chucked over and left in the ice. Darwins death has hit me pretty hard recently because Darwin treated me like a little sister and made sure I had got everything I needed and his death only sunk in until now. I walked to my chambers and as soon as I closed the door I fell to my knees and started sobbing about everything that had happened. After about ten minutes I felt azazel teleport into my room "Cheyenne shaw wants you to....." he paused as he looked down at my sobbing figure and bent down to my height "hey, what's the matter?" He asked softly. I shake my head and Stand up while wiping my tears off with my shirt "nothing, anyway what did shaw want me to do?" I asked brushing my sadness to one side "don't ignore me, what happened?" He questioned giving me a hard stare. I tried to fight him back with my stare but gave up after a Minute and broke down crying again but before I could hit the floor, azazel caught me and just held me while muttering stuff to me and just holding me in his arms. After about 20 minute I looked at him "Darwin was like a brother to me azazel and when he died I didn't react at all but now the realisation ha hit me" he looked at me with the most guiltiest eyes I have ever seen "if he meant that much, shaw might not have killed him, I'm so sorry Cheyenne this is all my fault" I looked at him with my brown eyes "it wasn't you azazel it was shaw, you were only following orders. Even if you don't want to do it, you have to because it is to save your own skin" I smiled at him and we just cuddled for hours afterward not knowing that shaw had heard everything me and azazel just said.

This imagine was for StarWoman97 I hope you enjoyed it and comment down below for requests

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