Hank McCoy (he asks you out

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Hank's P.O.V
I am really and I mean REALLY nervous because I am going to ask (Y/N) out to dinner on Saturday. Charles has been telling me to ask her out for weeks but I just haven't had the confidence but Charles said last night that if I didn't ask her he was was going to ask her for me so I am going to do it and Charles is going to hear from outside the door to make sure  I am asking her.

I went downstairs to the kitchen where I think (Y/N) is. I opened the door to see (Y/N) cooking dinner "ermm....(Y-Y/N c-could I erm t-talk t-to y-you a m-minute please" I mumbled. She jumped at the sound of my voice "Jesus Hank don't scare me like that and yea I've got a minute what do you need" she said so softly that it could send me to sleep "I-I was w-wondering if y-you w-would like t-to go to d-dinner with m-me on s-Saturday" I said the last big a little quiet. She turned around and looked at me wide eyed before saying "you want to ask me to dinner, the fattest ugliest girl in the whole school?" I looked at her like she is a ghost "w-who c-calls you f-fat and ugly?" I spoke sadly knowing who it probably is "Kelly she think that I will never get a boyfriend but tell me seriously Hank, are you asking me to dinner on Saturday and tell me truthfully" she says with tears in her eyes "I-I'm t-telling the t-truth to y-you (Y-Y/N)" she looked at me and I see her eyes soften then she whispers  "then of course i will go on a date with you Hank, you don't even know how long I have waited for you to say that" I smile and walk towards her. I run my hands down her arms. I wanted to kiss her so badly but I was so nervous, she must of read my mind because she pulled me in and kissed me softly on the lips. It was everything and more I could of dreamed of, right then Kelly walked in with her gang but before she said anything I stood in front of (Y/N) and said "don't you dare ever say again that (Y/N) is ugly or fat because she is the most beautifulest girl I have ever met, she is smart funny and beautiful and she is my girlfriend so don't ever say anything about her ever again or else you will hear from me. Come on (Y/N) lets go" I grabbed her hand and dragged her oh the room and Charles gave me the thumbs up and I rolled my eyes and dragged (Y/N) to my room. Once we got in there (Y/N) started laughing. I smiled "what?" She smiled "I can't believe you just did that. Oh and by the way I would love to be your girlfriend" she said before she kissed me lightly. Oh I can't wait until Saturday

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