Charles Xavier Request

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We were all on the beach facing the ships that would decide our fate. My boyfriend, Charles Xavier was trying to convince Erik that all humans are not bad. I stood near him and my water blue eyes started to sway like the ocean as I got ready to use my powers on the ocean. The humans had shot all of there missiles out towards all of us on the beach. Most of us jumped back except Charles and Erik. As we were all about to get blown to prices the missiles slow down to a halt and I turn to see Erik holding out his hand. I slowly start creeping over to Erik without him noticing "metor, babe get back her, please" Charles whispered to me. I looked at him and mouthed 'it's okay' and continued walking towards Erik being as quiet as I can. As I got right behind Erik I grabbed his face and commanded him to drop the bombs in the water, slowly one by one they started to drop into the water then I felt someone grab me and rip me from Erik and teleport me away "azazel" I growled. He did a little mocking curtesy and I ran at him but he teleported away the last second. I used my water powers to catch azazel in a big ball of water and started to slowly drown him to death. He tried teleporting but my water was to strong to teleport out of. When he couldn't breath and was nearly unconscious, I let him drop to the floor with a loud thud, I walked over to him and dragged him up "why the hell did you do that?" I asked with emended anger in my voice "I want to see the destruction of man, so that mutants can live freely and that we are not controlled by man" he then punched me in the stomach, knocking all the air out of me then teleporting me back to the others and push me down on the sand and started to strangle me. The other tried to run to me but Erik thrower them back and held them down. I looked to him to see him pinning Charles down while still controlling the missiles to head straight towards the men on the boats. I started to mutter a old water spell that my mother had taught me when I was a young girl. "God of the water, let me use the water of the ocean to clean the evil from the world" the all the ocean water came on the the shore more and more. I kicked azazel in the stomach and pushed Erik of Charles and pulled him up before the water got to him. We ran to the others while azazel and Erik where being attached by the water left right and centre. When I had thought enough was enough I muttered "thank you the god of the water, for your service we can deal with them now" the water started to slowly drift away from Erik and azazel and back into the ocean. Charles started to walk over to Erik but them moira started shooting Erik. He deflected them but the last one Erik deflected went into Charles. I stood there wide eyed and ran straight over to him and pulled him up so Erik could get the bullet out. I tuned out after that, I just focused on Charles. He is the only thing that I have left and I refuse to lose him now. I pushed his hair out of his face and he calmed down to my touch a little. The next thing I know hank and everyone else is running around me to get to Charles "don't worry Charles we're gonna get you out of here, don't worry" I whispered "I can't feel my legs" he said loud and repeated it a few times, at that point my tears flowed freely down my cheeks.

Cliffhanger guys! This request was for Ragnarok42 I hope you enjoyed it and comment if you want a request. Byeeeeeeee!

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