Scott summers (you get hurt)

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Kasey's P.O.V
Today we had training with Logan and we were asked to partner up. I went with Jean because we are both class 5 mutants. Logan asked me and Jean to go first, as we were walking up I looked at my all time crush Scott summers, I smiled at him and he smiled back and then me and Jean got into our fighting stances and Logan shouted "BEGIN!" Jean attacked me and I dodged and turned invisible and shut her away from my minds so she couldn't see where I was, I came up from behind her and jumped on her back, she fell forward and I used my telekinesis to bring the rope to me and I tied her up "Kasey wins!" Logan shouted. Everyone cheered and clapped and I saw Logan give me a proud smile before going to help Jean. I was about to walk back to my seat but I couldn't, I was stuck t the floor "ok Jean you can let go now" I joked and laughed but I soon stopped when she said "it's not me", then the metal door ripped open and magneto and the brotherhood walked in " oh that was a brilliant fight girls but now I am going to take Kasey the easy way or the hard way" he said with and wicked smile. Logan stepped in front of me and growled and all the x men stood up "the hard way it is then" magneto said and lifted up his hand and Logan went flying across the room and hit the wall "LOGAN!" I shouted. All the x men attacked the brotherhood while I was still stuck in the middle of the room. I tugged my legs but the wouldn't budge then I saw magneto making his way towards me. I used my telekinesis to throw everything except from metal, it was no use, then out of nowhere Scott jumps I front of me and says to magneto "you're not touching her" magneto chuckled and launched for Scott and they began fighting and I saw a line of metal making its way to Scott, I made myself invisible and did something that is very dangerous for me. I used both of my powers... at the same time, I stayed invisible and battled against magneto magnetic force on the line and stopped it from working, then I saw magneto strangling Scott with everyone watching. I tugged at my legs and they came free because magneto was to busy dealing with Scott. I launched at magneto and got him off Scott I used all my fighting skills Scott had taught me and nearly knocked out magneto but he hit me with the metal he has been waving round for the past 5 minutes. I let go of my invisibility and fell on the floor "KACEY!" I heard Scott yell behind me, then I felt a wire going across my throat and strangling me. I started to gag as magneto rose me up and let everyone watch me be strangled to death. Scott watched me in horror and ran towards me but all I saw was storm attacking magneto and Scott calling for me before I blacked out

Time skip to 2 weeks later....
I slowly start to open my eyes and saw a bright light "oh my fucking god that's bright" I whispered, I felt a tug at the side of me and heard a long beep, I sat up and saw DR. Jean trying to treat me and Scott crying and Logan crying with him and the professor x on the Side staring at me like he knew I was there
Kasey its your conscience
Professor what do I do
Wake up Kasey
I can't
Think of the person you love the most
I'll try my best
I know you can do this Kasey I believe in you
I lied back down and closed my eyes and thought of Scott and heard the beep of my heartbeat and the cries of Scott and Logan and I slowly opened my eyes to the bright light again "for fuck sake this fucking light again"everyone raised there heads and looks at me in shock "what?" I asked "you were dead for two hours, how the fuck are you alive?" Logan asked. I shrugged and I got tackled to the ground and saw Scott on top of me "guys can you leave me and Kasey for a minute please?" He asked everyone. They all nodded and walked out the room "Don't you dare ever do that to me again" he said loudly. I stayed quiet "I nearly lost you" Scott whispered. I looked up at him but before I could even say a word he locked his lips with mine for a few second, I smiled and leaned up to kiss him and he leant down and we kissed again for a few seconds and parted "you don't know how long I wanted to do that" Scott said while smiling "same here" I said back and we shared another mind blowing kiss

hey guys I'm back with another request and this one is for TBNE4life and I really hoped you liked it

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