A wolverine request

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Tonight me and Logan are gonna watch a whole load of western movies we love. We were going to go out but it decided to storm "thanks a lot storm" I mutter as I sit down on the couch as Logan puts in the first film and sits down and puts his arm around me "I'm sorry about this Madelyn but the lightning hit my truck and it broke down" I looked into Logan's brown eyes as he stairs into my bluey green eyes and we started to lean in then the lightning hit our house and the electrics went "well that is just fucking great isn't it" Logan muttered and got up and then we heard a massive crash from the kitchen and Logan looked at me and mouthed 'get upstairs now' I nod and run upstairs trying not to make a sound and ran into the bedroom then I heard yelling from downstairs and decided to listen in "oh why isn't my little brother Logan" "victor, what are you doing here" "am I not allowed to see my little bother and his girlfriend" "I don't have a girlfriend victor" "oh yes you do, Madelyn is it" "get out victor" "not a chance until I see your girlfriend" then the slashing stared. They were fighting. I ran and ducked under the bed and quickly but my copper red hair into and ponytail and was ready to turn into a wolf if I needed to. I then heard steps running upstairs and got ready and the door opened the door "Madelyn where are you?" It wasn't Logan voice. It must be this victors voice. I was petrified, all I wanted was to spend a night with Logan is that to much to ask? Talking about Logan where is he? My thoughts were disrupted by victor looking under the bed and straight at me "hello darling" he grabbed me and I kicked and screamed. I then kicked him in the balls and he let go and ran downstairs but felt a sharp pain as he let go in my arm, I then into who I thought was Logan but it wasn't. It was Scott "Madelyn, are you ok?" I was shaking but nodded my head and then jean and storm went upstairs "where's Logan?" I whimpered, Scott just carried me outside and into the x-jet, I looked up to see Logan with blood down his face but no physical damage. He ran up and took me out of Scott's arms "omg Madelyn are you ok? He didn't hurt you did he? I swear to god if he did" I jus leaned in and kissed him. It has been the best thing that has happened all night, we pulled away "does that answer your questions?" You whisper. He laughed and then I felt a sharp pain in my arm and held my arm. Logan looked at me with worry as I leaned against the wall and hissed at the pain. I carefully took away my hand and saw 5 claw marks and thought. Victor. Logan walked over to me and took away my hand carefully again and saw the marks and stomped towards the house "Logan please don't leave" "he needs to pay for what he did to you Madelyn" "but I need you" I whispered the last part but he heard it as he turned around and looked at me then the house. Me, house, me, house and then me and kept his gaze on me and walked towards me and hugged my tightly as he would never let go "I'll stay here for you" I smiled as we walked in and bandaged me up and we just sat there, I was in his arms and I felt my eyes dropping as I fell into the best sleep I had in ages. It was all because of Logan.

Hey guys I am back I have had a few problems over the past few months but I am back and here to stay now. This request was for WhiteFangedRose I really hoped you enjoyed this and I'm so sorry it was up this late but I hope you still enjoy it

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