Warren Worthington III Request

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I was walking through the my home town when I saw something suspicious. Two men on the edge of a dark alley way staring right at me. It was the middle of the night and was walking home from one of my friends house when I noticed this but ignored it and carried on walking. As I was coming up to my street I feel eyes burn into the back of my neck and I turned around to see the exact same two men from earlier following me. You have got to be kidding me I thought as I took a different root to lose them. My eyes turned a more vibrant blue as I walked past a water fountain and started to move the water without the two men knowing. As I came to the other end of my street I drowned one of the men with the water and started running. The other one growled and started running after me. He was WAYYYYY more quicker than me to I took off my leather jacket and my blue pixie wings fluttered and carried me away. I flew into my building and sat there quietly. Waiting. I no longer saw the man until I felt something cold slither around my wrists and pull me up. I tried to fight against it and saw the one person I hated more. Magneto. "Lovely to see you again Eliza Naomi Jones" he said and chuckled. "What do you want erik" I asked impatient with him already. He looked at me and threw me against the wall. I groaned as my back hit the wall knocking all the air out of me "you know what I want, join me Eliza and we can rule the world together" not this again. I shook my head and stood up on my feet wobbly from hitting the wall. "You know I don't want to rule the world Erik, you know I wanted to live a normal life. Get a job, fall in love and all that, not be a X-Men or rule the world for evil I want to be me" Erik looked at me like he wanted to kill me. He raised his hand but before he could attack me with his metal manipulation, I was picked up bridal style and flown away. I looked up surprised to see the most handsome boy I had ever seen. He had blonde hair, gorgeous blue eyes and he had two perfect white wings coming out of his back. He looked down at me and smirked. He flew us down to the closest roof top. "Why the hell did you do that?" I asked out of confusion. He shrugged and walked over to the edge "you looked like you weren't ready to fight him so I got you out of there before he could choke you to death but I could ask you why did you nearly kill my best friend?" He asked out of anger. I looked at him and noticed he was one of the lads that was following me earlier. "Then why the hell where you and your pal following me then. You knew I would of done something" he looked at me with a glare and carried on "because we were sent by Charles Xavier to come and get you before magneto did!" He shouted "then why didn't you come up to me and asked then following me around like some murderer or rapist would. You should have surely known that and try not to look creepy so I didn't think you would follow me and you also could have kindly told me the situation and not try to bloody kidnap me instead!" I shouted back with just as much anger. We stood there for a minute, both heavily breathing from shouting in anger. Then he looked at me and walked straight up to me and stopped when our noses were about to touch. "Can you please come with me to talk to Charles?" I smirked knowing I had won the battle and nodded. He once again picked me up bridal style and carried me to the school " you do know I can fly don't you?" He nodded "yes, but it's easier to carry you" I smiled and leaned into his chest a bit more. " I totally forgot what's you name, I know you know mine but I don't know yours" he looked at me then back to the sky "my name is Warren Worthington III"

Hey guys this request was for MadisonGranger12345 i hope you have enjoyed this and comment for a request

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