John allerdyce (his ex attacts you and he finds out)

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Me, kitty and rogue were walking down the corridors going to the lunch hall to meet Bobby Piotr and John. As we were about to arrive in the lunch hall john's ex (jubilee) walks round with her two friends by her side. She walks ip to me and says "stay away from John or else" I look at her and think is she actually dumb me and John go out I hiss and say "oh can't do because 1. You ain't my mom and 2. He's my boyfriend" she glares at me and raises her hands and her sparks shoot out and I deflect most of them except 1 that landed on my neck then she launches at me and tries to punch me and I deflect them all and then we end up wrestling until jean and Scott came up and said "what is going on here?" Me and jubilee stood up then she started fake crying and said "Y/N launched at me and tried to hurt me so I would stay away from John" I looked at Jean and said "that is complete ballocks she said to me stay away from John or else then I say no then she uses her power own me look" I shown them the burn on my neck "then she launches at me and tries to throw punches at me but I deflect most of them then you and Scott arrived" I explained and Jean looked at us both for a moment and then said "Scott take jubilee down to professor and explain what she has done to Y/N and then I will see you in detention for a month jubilee" Scott took her away and Jean said to us "Y/N, kitty, rouge you can't tell anyone what happened today especially John say you had a talk with me after lesson ok?" We nodded and Jean wondered off, we walked into the hall and sat with the boys and they all asked "where were you?" "We had to talk with Jean after lesson about the work" rogue said. They all nodded and we had lunch.
Time skip to two hours later
I slipped into my X-Men suit and tied up my hair (forgetting to cover up the burn) and ran down to the field. Me, John, kitty, Piotr, rogue and Bobby were all sitting together when Piotr asked from behind me "Y/N where did you get that burn from?" My eyes widened as I reached to touch the burn but John was already there and asked "who did this to you?" I didn't answer. Then Jean walked in and looked at me and saw John looking at the burn then I heard in my mind tell him it's ok now I nodded but still stayed silent "Y/N who did this to you" John asked again. I barley whispered "jubilee" but her heard me and his eyes widened "when?" He asked "at lunch" I whispered, before he said anything else Jean said "okay, Bobby and Y/N your up in a hand to hand combat, NO POWERS" I stood up and stood in the middle and got into my fighting stance and so did Bobby " GO" Jean shouted and Bobby lunged for me and I dodged and threw a hit and hit him in the jaw and he hit me in the stomach and knocked all the wind out of me  but I got back up and I jumped for him and caught him off guard and pinned him to the ground "Y/N WINS!" Jean shouted, I got up proud of myself and pulled up Bobby and he said "well done and you know John is gonna keep on asking questions" "oh I know" I replied. We walked back to the group and saw jubilee sitting next to John Kissing. Yes you heard me folks KISSING, tears started to well up in my eyes and John broke and stood up and opened his mouth and I said "Don't just don't" I walked up to Jean and asked "can I go back to my room please?" She nodded and I ran back into the school and sprinted to my room and slammed the door and locked it. I took off my my suit and chucked it on the floor and got my (favourite Disney character) onesie on and jumped on my bed and sobbed my heart out into my pillow then there was a knock at my door and I sobbed "who is it?" "Rouge and Kitty" they replied, I walked over to my door and unlocked it and they both looked at me and hugged me while I sobbed into there suits "how about I'll go and get mine and rogue's onesies and I'll come back get on our onesies and I'll take the suits back and then we watch Disney movies and eat snacks all night" kitty suggested. I nodded rapidly and kitty ran off through the walls while Rogue sat me down and said "I don't know what happened one minute I was talking to Kitty and Piotr and then the next there kissing" a minute later she brought her stitch onesie and Rogue's tigger onesie they put them on the kitty ran back through the walls with their suits then came back with a load of Disney DVD's and put them on the floor then kitty gasped "we could ask Jean or the professor to read their minds to see what actually happened" I nodded then kitty grabbed my hand and rogue's gloved hand and ran us throughout the wall the jeans room but she was too busy so then we ran to the professors office and knocked on the door "come in" we heard and walked in, the professor was writing when he raised his head and asked "what can I help you with girls?" "Well sir your help on this could depend on a relationship" Kitty said and the professor raised his head again and asked "what do I need to do and who's relationship am I saving" rogue and kitty looked at each other and said " well we are saving Y/N's and johns relationship and what we'd like you go do is look in John mind to see if he kissed jubilee or did she kiss him" he nodded and stared at the ground for five minuted then he spoke up and said "jubilee kissed him and he tried to push her off but it didn't work" Rogue and kitty squealed and jumped up and down and I just smiled John didn't betray me then, I was so stupid he probably hates me now I thought no he doesn't Y/N Charles said to me in my thoughts and said go to him and explain what you thought I nodded and grabbed the girls hands and asked "Kitty can you run us to John and bobby's room?" All she did was nod and ran us through walls until we got to John and Bobby's room. I knocked twice and Piotr opened the door and let us in Bobby was sitting next to John on his bed rubbing his back. John looked at me and got up and pulled me into the room and asked Bobby "Bobby can we have a moment please?" He nodded and closed the door behind him and then John just started rambling about how jubilee kissed him and he tried to push her away and I just said "John it's ok I believe you, I went to the professor and he said that jubilee kissed you and you tried to push her off I just over reacted and didn't give you a chance to speak, it has literally been hell without you for the past three hours" he looked at me then just pulled me in for a passionate and fiery kiss.

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