Warren worthington III request

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I screamed more and more as they tortured me for trying to escape again. I was in my dragon form and my screams turned into roars. Every single limb and muscle burned like I had been stabbed repeatedly with millions of knives. These men kill innocent people just so they can get rid of the population of mutants but they make sure they die a slow and painful death. I fight them the best I can but each day I'm getting weaker and weaker. I turned back into my human form as black dots covered my vision and I passed out.
Warren P.O.V
I was flying doing my normal duty when I heard a really loud roar coming from the old warehouse. I flew towards the old window and wiped away all,the dirt and looked inside to see at least 20 or so men torturing and strapping down a dragon. There was pain in the dragons eyes as it roared more and more as they tortured the poor thing. I was about to fly in and help the dragon out when it turned back Into a girl and she fell unconscious. I need to tell Charles and the team about this and make sure we save her I flew back to the school as quick as I could and ran to Charles' office I pushed the door open and saw all the team and Charles in a circle near his desk "what is the matter warren?" Charles asked "a..girl....in.....the...old...warehouse....being....tortured...she...can..turn...into.....a...dragon" i said breathlessly while pointing in the direction of the warehouse. Charles looked at me with astonishment and so did the rest of the team, then it turned into chaos. Jean and Scott started asking me questions, Logan and storm were arguing about weather we should go and save her or not. "SILENCE, ALL OF YOU" Charles shouted and everyone slowly started sitting down "we should asses the situation and go and free this girl from this misery but we let warren tell us all the details then we see the best way to approach and then we attack" Charles said with great detail and we all listen carefully. I walked over to e spare seat carefully and sat down "well I was flying I heard dragon roars so I went to go and investigate and in the dirty window I saw a dragon being tortured by at least 20 men and torturing the dragon with different tools and the dragon looking in more and more pain each time" I nearly chocked up on my word out of the disgusting things men do to our kind "then before the dragon passed out, the dragon turned into a young girl and her eyes turned into a emerald green before going unconscious" Charles and the gang fell silent for a minute then Charles spoke up "I think we should just barge straight in and warren can go find her and then we get the hell out of there. What do you think?" Everyone looked at each other. I raised my hand and said "I'm in" and slowly one by one everyone put their hand up saying those exact two words "well then it's settled, let's go and get that girl"

This request was for Scarlett_Pie I hoped you enjoyed it and comment if you want a request

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