transparent (free verse poem #2)

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Okay first things first I wanted to say thank you for all the reads and all the comments; really because I was think about having an update asking for people to comment and think that it would be a pain for people when most of my updates being A/N. Plus knowing me it would most likely make things awkward; any-who lets gets this show on the road.

' If only I could talk to him' is all that I heard in my head, or maybe it was my heart talking; all I know is that I have a crush on a boy who I don't think knows that I exist and a head full of ideas that are unable to get out. There is an idea that I have in my heart but whenever I try to say it the words are stolen from me, to only leave me silent and abandoned. I always have thought that as long as I can draw or write than I would be fine but after I met him it's like my muse fled in fear. So if I can't be myself and take pride in what I do then what am I? The answer is simple.... invisible; and to him I believe that I will remain transparent, I know that if he smiles in my direction he's looking through me and smiling at the girl behind me. So why should I kid myself? Am I still just a child wishing on the second star, and holding onto a fairytale? I can see that my prince charming wont' come for me, so here I am lost in the bus terminal, just trying to think things through and trying to find my way out into the light.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- " Okay lets just check" * searchs for a wild honey, and finds none*

"that's all folks"

*porky pig shows up* "hey that's my line" he butts in.

"oh well got to go, it's dinner time. Love ya munchkins." I responded

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