So for now...

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There are a few things I need to talk about, some are happy and good then there are are ones that aren't so much.
So I want to start off with on a happy note and let you guys know I got the Co-op placement I wanted ( for those who don't know what Co-op is it's kind of like job shadowing ( and possible with some traits of apprenticeship); I'm working at an elementary school with the grade ones for my placement. I already started and my first day went perfectly🙌 the only downside is that I was mistaken for a substitute teacher multiple times, which always left me having to explain that I was just a Co-op student. The downside to my Co-op is that it will take up a lot my time, so my slow updates will be even slower 😥.
Also recently I went on a field trip all day and with the things that we had been doing I was able to get away with staring ( or looking in their general direction) at my crush pretty much the whole time, yeah I think I've fallen pretty hard. In some ways I think more negative about things when it comes to this; for one reason is rejection is no stranger to me and I barely can talk to them, plus people saying conflicting things about their sexualities doesn't help either😩.
By the way as a rule when I talk about things like this I will usually use the pronoun "them" for confidentiality reasons. I want to also say that I don't think that I am that good at quite a few things anymore, for example my writing, there are so many people on wattpad that I've seen who are so much better than me and update a lot more often than I do, and a lot of the ideas for there pieces are so original that I really am not sure sure if I am that good anymore*** that dose not mean you down grade yourself or your work, or making your self act differently ( like dumbing your self down) ***
I am thinking about a new story ( not sure if it will be a new book though) it would be a fanfic of "Sky High"  so that maybe one of possible updates in the future.
I wanted to also say that I was tagged and that part should be up soon I am just having technical difficulties with it😥.
Anyway thanks guys for reading this, I love you my munchkins❤

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