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This chapter contains a bit of things that I am not proud of but it also has so somewhat key things in this so I can't delete this part either, hence why I had asked if you could skip this update.  

As  you can tell by the title I have a few important things to talk to  all of you about. For the first thing I want to do is apologize, for a few things actually, I had planned on doing a mass update but then I had issues with the internet and then life got in the way, and one of those things is a update that I have been working on for along time ( it doesn't help when life keeps throwing a wrench in my plans or that I type/write slower than the average person) ,something like three or four months ( possibly more), also I keep forgetting to edit some of the stuff I wanted to post. The next matter of business is about giving you all a heads up that I might not be able to update because I am going back to school (well I already have started the school year ( it started two days ago( yeah we started a lot later then usual ) but I'll be going back on Monday :) ) and I can't guarantee that I will have the time because of all the clubs and projects I may have.

the thing on the update that I had told you all about I am debating on breaking it up into smaller parts because it is taking so long and it might already be a big chapter so yeah.

I think that's everything, if I for got something then I'll edit this when I remember that something. I love you all I hope that the school year is a awesome one for all of the readers who go to school.  

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