tag your it

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Sorry I couldn't help the title it just felt so right. I was tagged by one of my readers and friend ( I hope that you are okay with me calling you that) A_Wolfs_growl

so just in case the picture doesn't show up I am just going type the questions first (which will be in bold). 

This is the first tag I have done so I hope that I am answering these correctly.

night or day

pink or blue

Taylor Swift or Selena Gomez

Justin Bieber or One Direction

summer or winter

Austin Mahone or Ryan Beatty

jocks or nerds

Vans or Keds

Katy Perry or Miley Cyrus

cats or dogs

Facebook or Twitter

piano or guitar

soccer or volleyball

American Eagle or forever 21

California or Florida

girly or tomboy  

Starbucks or Ben & Jerry's

Leonardo DiCaprio or Orlando Bloom

singing or dancing

Coke or Sprite 

1. Night
2. Blue
3.Taylor Swift ( it's a coin toss for me just depends on my mood)
4. One direction ( I can't stand Justin Bieber ( no offense to anyone)
5. summer ( and I know I can't say both but I really want to)
6. ( After a serious game of blue shoe black shoe, because I don't know who either of those people are) Austin Machine
7.nerds ( because a lot of the jocks I know are jerks)
8.Vans ( because I don't know what the other one is)
9. Katy Perry
10. I can't really choose on this one I'm sorry
11. Facebook ( because I don't have Twitter and most likely I never will)
12. Again I can't choose this one was too vague for me sorry ( as a person who is in band I have to look at it from the musical point of view)
13. Volleyball
14. Neither if I am in either store it's because I was brought against my will, but if I have to say one then Forever 21 because that was the most recent of the two that I went in 
15. Florida because of "The Wizarding World Of Harry Potter"

16.  again I am on the fence about this because I am a mix of both, but I will pick tomboy

17. this one I don't fully understand because your comparing coffee and ice cream, but i'll go with Starbucks ( even tough I don't fully care for it ) because I have never had that brand of ice cream

18. I guess Orlando Bloom I don't really know much about celebrities

19. as a rule singing hands down

20. Coke, I drink it more than Sprite

PS sorry it took so long I was trying to figure out how to tag people properly, I hope I did this right.

so here are the people who I am going to play tag with :)








I think that was enough right * looks down at clip board* oh it seems that I forgot to keep tack of how many I needed. As well if you need the image I am sorry but due to the technical difficulties * mutters under breath* ( and the computer having a personality ) it is currently lost in the dimensional rift of time and space. I am not sure if I said it or not but I wanted to say thank you to the amazing *drum roll * A_Wolfs_growl  for letting me take part in this big game of tag * gives a dinosaur plushie and a round of applause*. Thank you to the people who I have tagged * give a round of applause* and last but not least thank you to you the amazing people who are reading this * gives standing ovation* I would give you cake but Honey-senpai ate it all * sighs* he is like a blood hound when it comes to that stuff. * honey appears* "did you say cake starlightenfox-chan? can I have some? * uses puppy dog eyes*" I'm sorry but I don't have any, I was telling the readers how I wanted to be able to give them some to show them my appreciation. * uses Lolita boy charm* "thank you for continuing to show starlightenfox-chan support, she really loves it when you do, oh and leaving vote or comments she loves that; so does Usa-chan" *Mori-senpai walks up*  "Mitsukuni it's time to go" * honey hopes on back* " okie Takashi *giggles*" bye Mori-senpai * nods* so now I have to get back to my studies because if my grades fall anymore I will have to deal with the shadow king some call mommy * receives text* * looks at phone* oh speak of the devil * shows text* " I heard that" * receives another* " and stop referring me and Tamaki as husband and wife"how did he? never mind it's just like what he is doing in his black notebook, we'll never know. I love you my munchkins <3  

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