Chapter 4

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The next morning, Annika goes to breakfast and everyone laughs at her.
"There's the coward!" Elayna teases.
"Just ignore them." Jamal says to her.
Annika sits next to Jamal.
"I had a scary dream. About the evil in this house." Annika tells him.
"What?" Jamal laughs.
Danya storms in. "Where's Mark?!"
"He's studying with Savanna." Jamal replies.
"Ugh! He's always with her, now!" She complains. "So, Annika... What's your life story?"
"Um, not much really. I grew up with brothers and my parents love me. That's it." Annika explains.
"If your parents love you," Elayna speaks up,"Why did they ship you off to a boarding school? Sounds to me like they want to get rid of you!"
"Elayna!" Jamal scolds. "Just because Sami is gone, it doesn't mean you can take it all out on Annika! She didn't do anything!"
"When did you start becoming her friend instead of mine?!" Elayna shouts.
"Ever since you started becoming a witch, Elayna."
Elayna storms out.
Danya goes to her room and sees Savanna.
"Why are you suddenly spending all of your time with Mark?" She asks Savanna.
"I'm not! I'm just tutoring him!" Savanna reasons.
"You like him, don't you?" Danya asks.
"No! He's YOUR boyfriend!"
"You're right. I'm sorry."
At school, Elayna, Tyler and Hunter go to Annika and Jamal.
"Annika, I'm sorry." Elayna says. "To make up for it..... We're going to put you through an initiation to welcome you."
"What do I have to do?" Annika asks.
"You have to go into the attic and bring something back." Tyler explains.
"But first, you need to steal the attic key." Hunter smirks.
After school at Hades House, Mark goes to Savanna.
"I got you something." Mark smiles.
He gives her a bracelet.
"Thanks!" Savanna smiles. "But Danya will be mad."
"She's jealous of us."
"I'll talk to her."
Annika, Elayna, Tyler and Hunter go upstairs to Victor's office.
"The spare attic key is on his desk. You have to run in and get it." Hunter explains.
"Got it." Annika states.
"Go!" Tyler shouts.
Annika dashes into the office and freezes when she sees a stuffed bird on the desk.
A black bird.
Downstairs, Danya and Savanna talk.
"I'm not jealous, anymore, Savanna. I know you're just friends." Danya says.
"Really? Thank you!" They hug but Danya sees Savanna's bracelet, which is identical to the one Mark got HER.
"Did Mark give you that?!" Danya exclaims.
"Yeah... Why?"
"Ugh!" Danya storms out and goes to see Mark.
"Annika! Victor's coming!" Tyler warns.
Annika snaps back to her senses and grabs the key, she turns and sees Victor towering over her.

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