Chapter 5

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"What are you doing in here?" Victor questions.
"Uh- what is that stuffed bird?" Annika asks, changing the subject.
"Her name is Corbiere." He explains. "She was my father's, but something terribly tragic happened to her. So, we stuffed her."
"Um... Okay. I'm gonna leave."
"Don't let me catch you in my office ever again!"
Annika runs out and goes to Elayna, Tyler and Hunter.
"Did you get it?" Hunter asks.
"Yep." Annika smirks.
"Awesome!" Tyler cheers.
"Whatever." Elayna rolls her eyes. "Just wait until you have to go into the attic tonight."
Danya storms into Jamal and Mark's room.
"Mark!" She shouts. "Why did you give Savanna the same bracelet as mine?!"
"Uh-" Mark stutters.
"Don't talk to me!" She throws the bracelet at him and leaves.
"Wow." Jamal remarks. "That wasn't very smart, Mark."
"Shut up!"
The next day at school, Jamal and Annika sit with each other in class and Jamal notices Annika's locket.
"That's nice. Is there something inside?" He asks.
"No!" She hides it.
"Um- I'm sorry!"
"No, I am. It's just some things are going on and I'm just really confused."
"It's okay." He smiles at her.
Their teacher, Mrs. Andrews, starts passing out their test results.
"I got an A-!" Jamal cheers.
"I got an A!" Annika brags.
Mark gets it. "I got a B+!"
He runs to Savanna. "Look!"
"Congratulations!" She says.
He hugs her and Danya rolls her eyes.
"I got an A+, Mark." Danya says. "Chill."
In Drama Class, their teacher, Jason, picks out two people to play Romeo and Juliet.
"How about..... Danya as Juliet?" He suggests.
"Um, I'm good." She starts shaking.
"Get on stage, Danya."
Danya grudges onto stage.
"Pick Tyler for Romeo!" Jamal encourages.
"Jamal!" Danya scolds.
"Alright then! Tyler can be Romeo!" Jason says.
Tyler starts blushing and goes on stage.
Danya quivers in fear. "O, Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name! Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn to my love, and I'll no longer be a Capulet."
Tyler clears his throat. "Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?"
Danya continues, "Tis but thy name that is my enemy; thou art......"
Danya sees Mark and realizes she has to make him jealous to see what he made her feel like.
"Thou art....." Danya goes to Tyler. "Thou art my one true love, Tyler."
Danya kisses Tyler.
Everyone gasps.
Mark gets furious and leaves.
That night, Annika, Elayna, Hunter, Tyler, Jamal, Danya and Savanna gather upstairs for the initiation.
"Where's Mark?" Danya asks.
"He didn't want to come. He's really mad." Jamal replies.
"Do it, Annika." Elayna tells Annika.
Annika goes to the attic door and unlocks it.
She steps inside.
Elayna grabs the key, closes the door and locks it behind her.
"Hey! Let me out!" Annika shouts.
"What are you doing?!" Savanna exclaims.
"This wasn't part of the plan!" Hunter gasps.
"Tell me where Sami is and I'll let you out!" Elayna says.
"I don't know!" Annika lets out.
She hears noises.
"Let me out! There's something else in here! I'm not alone!" Annika screams out.
Victor comes.
"What are you all doing here?" He asks.
"We heard mice." Tyler lies.
"Get to bed!"
They all rush off to bed.
Victor starts unlocking the attic door, and Annika searches for a place to hide.

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