Chapter 27

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In the middle of the night, Jamal wakes up to Hunter shaking him.
"What do you want?" Jamal groans.
"Tyler's been down in the basement for hours! I'm worried!" Hunter says. "Can you please help me find a way to get him out?"
"Fine." Jamal gets up.
Annika and Jamal lead Hunter through the secret passage into the basement.
"Woah." Hunter gasps.
"Just focus." Annika says.
They look around for Tyler, until they hear breathing from the cabinet.
"Open it." Jamal tells Hunter.
"No, you open it!" Hunter tells Jamal.
"I'll open it." Annika goes to it.
She opens it and Tyler is there, crying.
"Tyler!" Hunter goes to him. "What's wrong?"
"I saw something." Tyler cries.
"Let's get him out of here." Annika says.
They carry him away.
The next morning at breakfast, the Sibuna Club talks.
"Tyler was so scared." Jamal explains.
"I wonder what he saw." Elayna says.
Hunter comes in. "Jamal, Annika, I need you."
"Tyler." Annika says.
Annika and Jamal go with Hunter and Danya and Elayna follow.
Savanna rolls her eyes, being the only one at the table.
Mark comes in. "Trudy! My clothes are pink and have shrunk in the washer!"
Savanna laughs. "It's what you deserve."
"You did this?" Mark asks.
"Guilty as charged." Savanna leaves to school.
In Hunter and Tyler's room, Tyler cries on his bed.
"Tyler, are you okay?" Elayna asks.
"What did you see in the basement?" Annika asks.
"I saw-" Tyler starts hyperventilating.
"Tyler!" Jamal shouts.
Annika grabs a drink from Elayna's bag and gives it to him.
Tyler drinks it and starts to stop breathing.
"What's happening to him?!" Danya exclaims.
Tyler goes limp.
Annika sees that the drink she gave him was the Elixir Elayna hid in her bag.
The ambulance comes and rushes Tyler out of the house.
"Did he take anything?" Trudy asks the students.
"Uh-", Annika gives her the Elixir,"he took a sip of this before he collapsed."
Trudy follows the ambulance out.
Victor closes the door. "Get to school."
At school in the lounge, Annika tries to finish the script and gets stressed out.
Jamal comes. "Why'd you give the Elixir away?"
"I kept some in this." She shows him another bottle. "For a back-up."
"Good idea." Jamal sighs. "How's it going with the script?"
"Awful! It's too stressful!"
Danya and Elayna come in.
Elayna frowns. "What do we do? Annika's writing a script, Jamal hasn't figured out the next clue and Tyler's in the hospital."
"This is all too much!" Annika shouts.
She takes off her locket and gives it to Jamal.
"I'm done with Sibuna." She says. "Good luck finding the treasure, guys."
Annika leaves.

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