Chapter 21

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That night, Annika, Jamal, Danya and Elayna talk in Annika and Danya's room.
"So, you're a club?" Elayna asks.
"Yes." Danya answers.
"You're looking for a treasure in this house and Rufus is now involved?" Elayna tries to comprehend.
"Yes. And now you're involved too. Welcome to Sibuna." Jamal says.
They take Elayna to show her the secret passage into the basement.
Annika opens it with her locket.
"Woah!" Elayna gasps.
"We have to go down there and find a black cat." Danya explains.
"Why me?" Elayna asks.
Annika grins. "It's an initiation."
Elayna rolls her eyes, remembering when she made Annika go through an initiation.
Danya and Elayna go into the basement.
In the basement, Danya and Elayna look around for the cat.
"This place is creepy." Elayna points out.
"No dip." Danya says.
She spots the black cat, but it's been stuffed.
"It's stuffed!" Danya shouts.
Elayna screams and they run away.
They run out of the passage and enter the kitchen, with Elayna crying.
Trudy comes in. "What's wrong?!"
Elayna runs to Trudy. "Victor stuffed the cat! It's down in the basement with a lot of other creepy stuff! He's not normal!"
Trudy looks at them. "How do I help?"
At school, Savanna sees that Mark is upset.
She goes to him. "Are you okay?"
"No." He looks down. "I'm failing biology."
"I can tutor you if you want!" She suggests.
"No. My dad wants me to become a doctor. If I fail biology, I can't do that."
"But that's what your dad wants. What do YOU want?"
Mark smiles.
In Drama Class, Jason announces something to everyone.
"This class is going to have a play." He says. "Any ideas?"
"I have an idea!" Jamal shouts.
"Of course he does." Danya rolls her eyes.
Jamal begins his idea. "A girl grows up in an old, creepy house with her parents. Her parents have to leave and she has to stay alone with a man. He kills her parents and tries to kill her! But then some friends from the future come and save her!"
"Wow." Jason gasps. "Maybe we'll tweak that. But we'll take it! It's good! Who's writing the script?"
"I am!" He smiles. "And Annika, Danya and Elayna can help."
"All right then!"
That night, Trudy brings Victor to the Sibuna Club.
"What is this?" He asks.
"They are concerned." Trudy says. "They found a cat, and they think you have it. Or you killed it. Can we just look in the basement?"
"I'm insulted." Victor looks away. "Fine! Look!"
He unlocks the basement and they run down.
Finding it completely empty.
"Where did everything go?!" Elayna shouts.
"I have no idea what you're talking about." Victor says.
"He's lying!" Elayna argues.
"I'm so sorry, Victor!" Trudy begs.
"You still insulted me." Victor says. "You're fired, Trudy."

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