Chapter 8

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Elayna and Savanna talk in Elayna's room.
"I can't believe he took our bags!" Savanna complains.
"He's probably behind this, too!" Elayna theorizes.
"You actually might be right about this."
"There's some sort of mystery going on. We have to find out what it is." Elayna states.
In the living room, Hunter and Mark talk.
"How are you and Danya?" Hunter asks.
"I'm not talking to her after she kissed Tyler." Mark says.
"Well, they did meet in the laundry room last night." Hunter lies. "I think they're dating."
"Are you kidding?!" Mark exclaims.
"You're better off without Danya. Let's be honest."
"You're right!"
Danya comes in.
"Thanks for standing me up last night, Mark." She remarks.
"I don't know what you're talking about, and I don't care." He leaves.
"What a jerk!" Danya flops onto the couch.
Elayna and Savanna enter.
Victor comes in after them.
"Here are all of your bags back." Victor puts the bags on the table.
Elayna snatches her bag and ruffles through it, finding the file gone.
"He took it!" She gasps.
"Why are they trying to keep Sami a secret?!" Savanna whispers.
"I told you there was a mystery."
The next day at breakfast, Jamal and Annika talk.
"We have to visit Sarah today." She says.
"Agreed. Let's head to school." They get up.
Elayna comes.
"Oh, look it's the losers." She teases. "You guys are just right for each other."
"Elayna, do you ever shut up?" Jamal remarks.
"I thought you were my friend, Jamal." Elayna frowns.
"I thought the same about you." Jamal leaves with Annika.
Elayna goes to Trudy.
"Trudy, isn't it suspicious that Annika replaced Sami right after she left?" She asks.
"Annika didn't replace Sami." Trudy explains. "There's supposed to be 9 students in this house. Annika was just a couple weeks late because her scholarship was delayed."
"Oh." Elayna starts feeling guilty, realizing Annika might be innocent.
In History Class, everyone is assigned projects.
"What will you guys be doing your projects on?" Mrs. Andrews asks.
Mark raises his hand. "I'm doing it on the Gladiatorial Age. Gladiators fighting, like me beating up Tyler."
Everyone gasps.
"What's wrong with you?" Danya whispers to Mark.
"Turn around, I didn't ask for feedback." Mark remarks.
Jamal raises his hand. "I'm doing mine on Egyptian gods. The god Anubis and such."
Annika raises her hand. "I'm doing mine on Greek gods. Being as the houses are named after them."
"Very good."
Savanna whispers to Elayna. "Why are you so down?"
"I don't want to talk about it." Elayna looks down.
During lunch break, Annika and Jamal go to see Sarah.
"Hey, Sarah." Annika enters her room.
"You came back!" Sarah lights up. "Did you find out the power of the locket?"
"Yeah. Is it magic?" She asks.
"Oh, yes. There is magic in this world, child. And you have it."
"I doubt that." Annika laughs. "I brought my friend, Jamal."
"No! You told someone?! No one can know!" Sarah exclaims.
"We can trust him, Sarah! He's helping me find the treasure." Annika explains.
At Gym Class, Mark and Tyler play soccer while Hunter, Danya and Savanna sit out.
"Are we still friends?" Savanna asks Danya.
"Yeah. I'm done with Mark. You're my best friend." Danya replies.
Danya and Savanna hug.
Tyler scores a goal.
"Yay! Go Tyler!" Danya cheers.
Mark rages with anger.
Mark charges at Tyler and tackles him.
Tyler screams out in pain. "I think you broke something!"
"Mark! You have serious issues! Get away!" Danya runs to Tyler's aid.
"He deserved it!" Mark runs away.
Meanwhile, Elayna goes to the police station.
"I'd like to report a missing person." She tells an officer.
"What's the name?" He asks.
"Samantha Mercer."
"Do you know her family's number?"
"No. Could you research it?"
"I suppose. Stay in contact with me, though. What's your number?" The officer asks.
At school, Annika and Jamal find a Greek writing book and try to decipher the writing on the back of the portrait.
"The girl on the portrait looks a lot like you." Jamal says. "She has the same pretty eyes."
"My eyes are pretty, huh?" Annika blushes.
"Yeah." Jamal smiles.
"I just can't believe magic is real."
"And that you have it!"
"I doubt that I have magic. Trust me." Annika states.

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