Chapter 16

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Elayna walks to school in the woods.
The man comes again. "Elayna-"
"How do you know my name?!" Elayna takes out her phone. "Tell me everything now or I'll call the cops!"
"My name is Rufus Zeno." The man says. "The whole reason I'm watching you is because I know Victor and I know that he took Sami. I know you were her friend and you want to find her. I'm a private investigator and I've been willing to help."
He hands her his card. "Call me if you want to find Sami."
He walks away.
At Hades House, Annika, Jamal and Danya get ready to leave for school.
"I wonder what the riddle that we found means." Annika says.
"We'll figure it out at lunch." Jamal states.
Mark comes in.
"Hey, Danya." He smiles. "I got you a present."
"Awe, thanks." Danya blushes.
She opens it and it's a picnic basket.
"Do you want to go out on a picnic during lunch?" Mark asks.
"Um, no. I'm hanging out with them, sorry." Danya winces.
"Whatever." Mark rolls his eyes and leaves.
At school, Danya goes to Mark.
"Hey, what's wrong?" She asks. "You seem pretty upset."
"You keep ditching me for your new friends." Mark looks down. "I don't want to be in a relationship if you're going to leave me alone all the time. I want to hang out with you and we never do anymore."
"You're right." She admits. "How about we have that picnic after school?"
"I'd love that." He smiles.
They walk together.
After class, Savanna goes to Mark.
"Hey." She smiles.
He ignores her and walks away.
She goes to Elayna.
"Mark hates me." Savanna says.
"Good for you," Elayna zones out,"I have to go."
Elayna goes to Jason.
"I made an appointment to speak with Mr. Sweet." Jason says.
"Finally." She smirks. "We'll finally be able to get some answers."
In the student lounge, Annika, Jamal and Danya talk.
"When does the sun set in midday?" Annika asks.
"In cartoons." Jamal laughs.
"When there's a Partial Eclipse." Danya says.
"We won't have any of those any time soon." Annika sighs.
Hunter and Tyler enter.
"Hey, losers." Hunter laughs.
They see Danya's phone and they scram.
"What's their problem?" Danya asks.
After school in the student lounge, Annika, Jamal and Danya trade ideas.
"How are we supposed to figure this out?" Annika asks.
"We should probably listen to the recordings on my phone." Danya says.
They play it.
But Tyler's voice comes on it.
'Guurrll, you got some weird stuff on dis phone. What's yo problem??'
"Those idiots." Danya remarks. "What if they know something now?"
At Hades House, Hunter and Tyler carry items for Parent's Day where 9th graders and their parents will come to preview the school.
Savanna sits on the couch, reading.
Annika, Jamal and Danya come in.
Danya hits Tyler on the arm.
"Ow!" Tyler lets out.
"That's for going through my phone!" Danya shouts.
"What did you hear on it?" Jamal asks.
"Some weird recordings, but they don't make any sense!" Hunter explains.
Mark storms in.
"Danya!" He shouts.
Danya realizes she forgot about their picnic after school.
"Mark, I'm so sorry!" Danya says.
"Let me guess.... You were with Annika and Jamal." Mark glares.
"Yes, but we can try again another day!" She pleads.
"Don't bother. I'm tired of being stood up by you! We're done, Danya!" Mark storms off.
"Did that just happen?" Annika asks.
"Yes, in front of everyone." Danya croaks. She runs out.
In the main entrance, Jason enters.
"Jason," Elayna comes,"How did it go with Mr. Sweet?"
"He told me to talk to Victor." Jason replies.
Victor comes. "Jason, you made it. Come into my office."
Jason goes into his office.
In the attic, Annika, Jamal and Danya listen to the recordings.
"I can't believe he just dumped me like that." Danya vents. "I mean, I barely did anything wrong."
"You guys didn't seem right for each other anyways." Annika says. "There's someone else out there for you."
"Thanks." Danya chuckles. "That's nice."
"What is?" Jamal asks.
"The glass window." She points to the window.
It has a stained glass sunset on it.
"Midday sunset. In this glass, the sun is always setting! So it will set at midday! So the tears of glass are in this house!" Annika exclaims.
"But where?" Jamal asks.
Downstairs, Jason comes out of Victor's office.
"What did he say?" Elayna asks.
But Jason runs out.
Victor comes. "You always were a troublemaker, Elayna."

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