Chapter 26

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The next morning at breakfast, the Sibuna Club talks.
"Sarah definitely said that Victor killed her parents." Annika confirms.
"What do we do?!" Jamal panics. "There's a killer in this house!"
In Elayna and Savanna's room, Elayna gets Savanna.
"Savanna, you're gonna be late to school." Elayna says.
"I don't want to go. Mark insulted me. I'm tired of being boring, predictable Savanna."
"Poor you." Elayna rolls her eyes. "Just get ready!"
In History Class, the Sibuna Club talks.
"Did you figure out the clue?" Annika asks Jamal.
"No." Jamal looks down.
Savanna enters the classroom ad everyone gasps.
She's in all leather and black lipstick.
"What happened to you?" Elayna asks.
"It's time for a change." Savanna grins.
Mrs. Andrews comes in. "Savanna, is that you?"
"Duh." Savanna says.
"You don't seem like yourself."
"I don't like your attitude, young lady."
"I don't like YOU."
Everyone gasps.
"Alright then, I'll see you in detention." Mrs. Andrews says.
In Drama Class, Jamal and Hunter rehearse their part in the play.
"The script is very good so far." Jason says. "Are you almost done, Jamal?"
"Well, there's a lot on my plate so Annika is going to finish the script for me." Jamal explains.
"Oh, okay." Jason smiles. "Just get it done soon, Annika."
Annika nods.
After school at Hades House, Mark goes to Savanna.
"Savanna, why have you changed?" He asks.
"I'm sick of being boring and predictable." She remarks.
"Oh, you heard?"
"Yes! I'm sorry for not being good enough for you!"
"Find another person to train you, Mark." She storms off.
In Hunter and Tyler's room, Tyler can't find his zombie mask.
"I can't find my mask!" He lets out. "I think I left it in the basement."
Hunter sneaks Tyler into the basement through the basement door.
Tyler goes into the basement but Victor comes and sees Hunter close the door.
"No going into the basement!" Victor shouts.
Victor locks the door and makes Hunter go back to his room.
That night in the basement, Tyler is locked in and sits around, playing with the items.
The basement door opens and Tyler hides in the cabinet.
He hears chanting and peeks through the doors.
He gasps when he sees the most horrifying thing ever.

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