Chapter 18

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That night, Elayna runs into Annika in the hallway.
Annika drops her locket.
"Sorry!" Annika gasps.
Elayna picks up the locket and sees the Hades symbol.
"Where did you get this?" She asks.
"A friend gave it to me." Annika takes it and leaves.
In Elayna and Savanna's room, Elayna calls Rufus.
"Hello?" He picks up.
"I found the Hades symbol!" She exclaims. "It's on my friend's locket!"
"I need you to bring it to me." He says.
"Okay." She hangs up.
"You can't trust that man." Savanna says.
"I can't trust anyone these days." Elayna points out.
The next morning, Annika and Danya leave their room to brush their teeth.
Elayna sneaks into their room and goes to Annika's dresser.
She takes her locket.
Danya comes in.
"What are you doing with that?" Danya asks, skeptical. She snatches the locket away.
"Please don't tell Annika!" Elayna pleads. "You're my friend, Danya!"
Elayna runs away.
At school, Jamal listens to the recordings on Danya's phone in class.
Mrs. Andrews goes up to him. "No phones in class. I'll take that."
She takes away the phone and headphones.
Danya shoots daggers at Jamal with her eyes as he looks down in guilt.
In the halls, Tyler talks to Hunter.
"I found out a way to get Danya to like me!" Tyler smiles. "Poetry!"
"Good idea." Hunter says.
"She's gonna love it!"
After school in Annika and Danya's room, Annika, Jamal and Danya examine the relic.
"Maybe it opens." Jamal says.
He pulls on the bottom and it opens.
Inside, is a note.
"What does it say?!" Annika gasps.
'Ket is the place to find,
And there in the flames,
You must look behind.'
Jamal goes back to school to get Danya's phone back.
He goes to Mrs. Andrews.
"Hey. Can I have the phone back by chance?" Jamal asks.
"I guess." Mrs. Andrews reluctantly gives it back.
Jason enters. "Are you ready for the-uh- staff meeting?"
"Yes." Mrs. Andrews looks away. "Can you leave, Jamal?"
"Oh! Sorry!" Jamal walks away.
Back at Hades House in the living room, Annika and Danya look up 'Ket' in the dictionary.
"Found it!" Danya exclaims. "Ket means fire or place of fire."
"Like a fireplace!" Annika suggests.
They turn and look through the fireplace.
Victor comes. "Get out of there! You all must be in bed early tonight! You have 5 minutes precisely and I want to be able to hear a pin drop!"
He leaves.
"We'll look later." Annika says.
Jamal, Tyler and Hunter enter.
Jamal goes to Annika and Danya.
"I got your phone back!" He says.
"Yes!" Danya takes it.
"But the teachers were acting really weird about this staff meeting they have tonight." He says.
Tyler goes to Danya. "Danya, I made a poem for you. Sit down."
Danya rolls her eyes and sits.
Tyler clears his throat. "Danya, I wish I was your man YA."
Annika and Jamal shake their heads while Hunter laughs.
"And I really like YA." Tyler continues.
"Please. Just stop." Danya says and flees away.
Annika and Jamal laugh.
"Wow." Annika says.
Tyler looks down and Hunter goes to him.
"Ah, maybe next time." Hunter laughs.

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