Chapter 15

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The next day at school, Jamal and Annika talk.
"The recordings we listened to last night were really scary." Jamal says. "I mean murder?"
"I'm going to see Sarah today for answers." Annika explains.
"I'll come."
"I don't think you should. Last time she got really scared, remember?"
Danya and Mark come.
"Why are you guys talking without me? I thought I was involved." Danya remarks.
"Huh?" Mark asks.
"Nothing, just leave." Danya tells him.
"But we're supposed to hang out." Mark says.
"Maybe another day! Just go!"
Mark rolls his eyes and walks away.
"So, what were you guys talking about?" Danya continues.
"I'm going to see Sarah." Annika says.
"I'll come! No argument. I need to meet her." Danya pulls Annika away.
"If Sarah's afraid of ME, wait until she meets Danya." Jamal jokes.
"Ha. Ha." Danya rolls her eyes.
Outside, Jason takes out the trash.
He finds Sami's phone in the trash.
At the nursing home, Annika and Danya go to Sarah's room.
"Hi, Sarah!" Annika smiles.
"It's you!" Sarah lightens up.
"We need answers, Sarah." Annika says. "About your history. You living in the house? Your parents?"
"My parents are dead. He murdered them." Sarah says.
"So, you're the girl in the recordings!" Annika realizes. "Who murdered your parents, Sarah?"
Sarah starts crying and falls asleep.
"That's all we're gonna get today." Annika says.
At school, Jason and Elayna talk.
"I found this in the trash." He shows her the phone.
"This was Sami's!" Elayna exclaims.
"Why did they throw it away?" He asks.
"I don't know. Look at what else is weird!" She shows him the school photo that Sami was erased in.
"They photoshopped her out." Elayna says.
"You can see her hand still there." Jason points out.
"Oh! You're right!" Elayna shouts.
"I'm going to confront Mr. Sweet about this." Jason states.
In the student lounge, Annika and Danya talk to Jamal.
"So, Sarah is the girl in the recordings?" Jamal asks.
"Yeah! And she still says that 'HE' murdered her parents. Whoever 'HE' is." Annika explains.
"We'll talk later. Sibuna!" Danya puts one hand over her right eye.
"What?" Annika and Jamal ask.
"Sibuna is Anubis backwards. Anubis is our favorite Egyptian god. Since we're the only 3 students who are trying to find this treasure, we're a sort of club or society. And our name is Sibuna." Danya explains.
"Shouldn't it be named after a Greek god?" Annika asks.
"Shhh!" Danya shouts. "We'll make this society official tonight in the woods."
After school at Hades House, Tyler and Hunter sneak into Annika and Danya's room and they put a dead fish under Danya's sheets.
"She deserves this for breaking my heart!" Tyler laughs.
"Oh, look!" Hunter finds her phone.
In the woods, Annika, Jamal and Danya have a ceremony to make Sibuna official.
"O ancient gods." Danya chants. "Take our sacrifices. As we create the Sibuna society. A group that will unravel the mysteries and find the treasures of the House of Hades."
Danya sacrificed her Dan & Phil shirt.
Annika sacrifices her favorite book.
Jamal sacrifices a book he wrote.
They throw their sacrifices in the fire.
Danya puts her hand over one eye. "I, Danya Millington, promise to protect the secrets of Hades House alongside my members, Annika Martin and Jamal Rutter."
Jamal puts his hand over one eye. "I, Jamal Rutter, promise to protect the secrets of Hades House alongside my members, Annika Martin and Danya Millington."
Annika puts her hand over one eye. "I, Annika Martin, promise to protect the secrets of Hades House alongside my members, Jamal Rutter and Danya Millington."
They all put their hands over one eye. "Sibuna."
The golden jewel falls out of Annika's bag and splits into three pieces.
"There's writing!" Annika exclaims.
They read the pieces;
'When daytime ends at midday,
Through tears of glass the eye shall see.'

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