Chapter 29

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"You stole a hospital patient?!" Danya exclaims when Annika, Jamal and Danya arrive at the bike shed and find Elayna with Rufus.
"I panicked!" Elayna defends.
"You got me away from Victor." Rufus says. "Thank you."
He notices Annika's locket.
"Is that the locket?" He asks.
"Yes!" Elayna says. "Show it to him!"
"No!" Annika holds it back.
"We just need to focus on keeping you away from Victor!" Elayna says. "Or you could end up like...... Sami."
At Hades House, Savanna e-mails the photos of Mark and Mrs. Robinson to Mr. Sweet.
She grins.
The next morning at breakfast, Tyler comes back.
"Tyler!" Everyone shouts.
"We missed you!" Mark smiles.
"I know. I AM awesome." Tyler laughs.
In the kitchen, Elayna takes some food for Rufus.
She goes to the bike shed.
But Rufus is gone.
At school, Danya talks to Tyler in the halls.
"Since you don't remember anything from the basement," she says,"I'm going to hypnotize you."
"Oh, WOW." Tyler laughs.
Danya takes out a scarf and waves it back and forth.
"When I count to three you will fall into a deep sleep." Danya instructs. "1,2,3!"
Tyler's head falls.
"Yes!" Danya whispers.
Tyler pops up and scares Danya.
"Tyler! You idiot!" She pushes him into a locker and he hits his head.
Memories rush through him.
He remembers what he saw in the cellar and runs away.
In the lounge, Annika and Jamal try to look through the Greek dictionary.
"Wait." Annika holds up a flashlight and letters start appearing. "It's invisible ink! The heat from the light is making it show!"
They read the next clue;
'Under the symbols of Hades,
A globe and hollow lie,
Two rights for eternity,
And just one left to die.'
That night, Annika meets up with Jamal at the main entrance, next to the stairs.
"Why did you text me to come here?" She asks.
"I think I figured out the clue." He says. "These stairs have symbols of Hades all over them. And these...." He points to the 2 globe shaped bulbs on top of the end of the railings. He taps on one and its hollow. "2 rights for eternity, and 1 left to die."
"That must mean if you twist it 2 times to the right, we get the next clue! And if you turn it to the left, it locks or something and the secret is left to die." Annika guesses.
Jamal twists the hollow globe 2 times to the right and it opens, revealing another golden relic.
"Another one!" Annika gasps.
"Yes." Victor comes. "Give it to me and go to bed. NOW!"
They scatter off in fear.
Annika watches as Victor examines the relic, saying,"It can't be! It just can't! NO!"

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