Chapter 1

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I walk in through those doors for the first time this year. The smell reminds me of all the stress and memories from last year. All the things that I had spent all summer trying to not think about come crashing at me as I walk through those halls again, trying to find my locker and looking around at the people around me who are all almost as lost as me.

I was looking forward to this year, my last year in high school and then I would be free, free from all these people and everything here. Then I could just forget and never remember again, just leave it all behind.

I wondered if I’d make any new friends in my classes this year, if I’d make any new enemies or if I, for once, would find someone to love.

Putting my key in the lock, I twisted it and opened my locker door. My locker was empty, and a bit dusty, but it was alright. I put my backpack in and closed it again. 

It felt so strange, to be here again, standing in this spot, listening to people telling each other stories of what had happened to them during summer. It seemed like they all had such interesting lives, and I didn’t. 

I sighed before locking my locker and walking all the way to the other side of the building for my first class, or should I say, ”class” since it was just our teachers giving us some information about this year. 

I entered the classroom which was about half full already, and took a seat next to the window so I could look out over the schoolyard and see people hugging each other, happy to see their friends again, and then people who didn’t have friends and walked all alone, and also my friends, who were running in an attempt to not be late on the first day.

I smiled to myself as I turned my head back so I could see the whiteboard straight ahead of me. 

The teachers stood in front of the class, trying to get everyone to be quiet but it didn’t work since everyone just had so much to talk about after not seeing each other for two months.

The door opened and my friends came in, panting and apologizing for being late, even though they were just in time.

”Oh, Phil!” They exclaimed when they noticed me, I waved at them to come sit beside me, and they did.

”How’s it going?” I asked, hoping they wouldn’t go on telling me all about their summer.

”Good, good. Pissed that we have school again.” 

I laughed. Of course he was.

”Can everybody please be quiet and sit down!” The teacher yelled in a firm voice which made everybody focus and actually shut up. 

The teacher continued with explaining how everything would work this year, how we would share classes with other groups and how much homework we’d have.

I had almost stopped listening, when the classroom door opened and three guys came in.

Everyone focused their attention at them when they slowly and carefully entered the classroom.

The teacher cleared his throat.

”Howell, Kendall, Liguori. You’re late, on the first day. This is not good, boys. Take a seat.” He said making a gesture for them to walk further into the room and sit down among the rest of us.

I followed them with my gaze, not sure why, but I did, until one of them looked me straight in the eyes and I turned my head down, looking at the table instead.

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