Chapter 17

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”So, what are you doing after school?” Louis asked, as him and Phil walked through the corridor to their lockers after their last class for the day.
Phil just shrugged.
”I haven’t really thought about it…probably just go home, it’s been a rough day.” Phil sighed as he opened his locker and put his books in.
”I understand…do you want me to come over? We could play some video games or watch movi-” Louis tried but Phil cut him off before he managed to finish his sentence.
”No, thank you though. I think I need some time alone.”
Louis looked down at the floor, not knowing what to say.
”I’ll see you on Monday.” Phil said, giving Louis a weak smile before turning around and walking away.

He wasn’t sure what he was upset about, it was either the fact that Dan left, or that he had lipstick on his face, but Phil didn’t know which one was causing him the most pain.
He had already gotten a few text messages from Dan, but not yet replied to any of them.
Phil kicked some stones on his way home, and he walked slower than usual. So many thoughts occupying his mind that he needed to slow down his pace of walking.

He opened the front door to his house and walked inside, hoping that no one would be home.
”Mum?” He shouted to check.
”I’m here! In the kitchen!” A voice shouted back.
Phil kicked his shoes off and walked over to the kitchen.
”You’re home early for a change.” He stated.

”Yes, but I’m leaving in about forty minutes for a meeting, I just figured I’d come home and make you some food.” She replied happily, and Phil forced a smile so she wouldn’t ask what was wrong, he really didn’t feel like explaining to her right now. No one needed to know, actually.
”I’m just going to go up to my room, I’ll microwave myself some food later.” He said, giving his mum a quick kiss on the cheek before walking upstairs.
Phil closed the door behind him and threw himself on the bed, staring at the ceiling.
On normal days, Dan would be here with him now. They’d play video games. They’d watch funny videos on the internet. But he’s not here, and Phil is alone.
He sighed to himself and picked his phone up from his pocket to see if Dan had texted him, but he hadn’t, which honestly surprised Phil a little, since he expected Dan to text some more. The screen went black again but Phil kept looking at it, as if waiting for some kind of message to come through, but he knew Dan wouldn’t text him now, because if Dan wanted to send him something more he would’ve done it by now.
A flash of heat ran through Phils body as the screen lit up again, but it wasn’t a text, it was a call. Phil didn’t even bother looking at the name of the caller, he just quickly pressed ‘answer’ and brought the phone to his ear.
”Hello?” He said, his voice high, almost excited.
”Hey it’s Louis!”
Phils smile dropped and his voice returned to how it usually sounds.
”Hey Lou, what’s up? Did something happen?”
Phil wasn’t used to Louis calling him, because everyone just sent text messages these days, so he automatically assumed something had happened.

”No nothing I was just wondering if you’d like to come with me to a auto show next Sunday? I have two tickets but my dad can’t come with me since he’s got work, and I figured you’d need something to do to get your mind off things…” Louis explained.
Phil had to admit, he wasn’t really into cars, but maybe Louis was right, maybe it would be good for him to do something instead of sitting alone in his room getting lost in his thoughts about certain events that had happened.
”Um yeah, sure why not.” Phil said, trying to sound happy and maybe a bit excited.
”Great! I’m happy you’re coming! I’ll pick you up at 11 is that alright?” 

”Sure, that’s fine. But we still have a whole week to talk about it, Louis, don’t stress.” Phil laughed.
”Sorry, I’m just really excited!”

They ended up having a long conversation about nothing, and Phil actually laughed, genuinely.
Even though he didn’t feel like talking to Louis at first, as their conversation went on, he realized how much he actually missed being close to him. Ever since Dan came along Phil had been pulled away from his friends and now he noticed how much he missed them, so maybe Dan going away wasn’t going to be all bad after all. 

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