Chapter 11

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I watched Dan as he walked over to the rest of the group, and I started taking a few small steps towards them as well.

I knew somewhere in the back of my head that being friends with him would be trouble, I knew it from the beginning but that didn’t stop me. 

I still had made the choice to be friends, and more, with him and I didn’t regret any of it, because everything that happened this past day, it’s all my fault, and I can’t blame him.

I took my place next to Dan, and he glanced at me quickly before looking at the teacher again.

I tried to stand a little closer to him without making him notice that I was doing it on purpose, and it worked. 

I didn’t even listen to what the teacher was saying, I just looked at Dan all the time. I knew that he knew I was looking. Everyone around us knew I was looking but I refused to look away before he would look me in the eyes. 

I could see him biting his lip, trying to show how uncomfortable he was in this situation, but I didn’t care. 

The teacher stopped talking and people were starting to go their seperate ways from the spot where we all were standing, but neither Dan or I moved. Dan just stared at the ground whilst I kept staring at him. The wind was blowing, making his hair dance, kind of, messing it up. I could see him shiver at the cold, as he put both his hands in his pockets and breathed out. I could tell that he didn’t know what to say, but I knew. I knew exactly what to say, if he only would look at me, so I knew he was listening.

”It’s kind of creepy” He spoke and I made a confused expression, wondering what he meant.

Dan chuckled before continuing;

”The way you keep looking at me” 

I immediately turned my head away, and Dan finally looked at me.

”I’m not mad at you, Phil. Not even slightly. Not at all.” Dan confessed.

I bit my lip. Everything that I wanted to say, suddenly vanished from my mind, I couldn’t find the words anymore. 

”Look, we’re going home tomorrow and I want this to be a nice trip. So I am sorry for over-reacting, which I obviously did.” He admitted and I looked at him shyly. ”I just…can things be okay between us again?” 

I couldn’t help but smile at his words. Dan smiled back at me and I guess my silence was enough for him to understand what I was going to say.

”I can’t believe they actually thought we’d want to swim here.” Dan exclaimed as we reached the small lake that the teachers had told us about. 

We had decided to keep our distance from the others for today, and just spend time together, and this place seemed just perfect.

”I know, right! It’s the end of November, the water is probably colder than ice.” I agreed.

Dan laughed at me as we both sat down next to each other on a small rock right next to the water.

We were both quiet at first. Everything around us was so calm. The water, the trees. It was wonderful how peaceful it was, and it was wonderful how everything was good between us now.

”Can you believe it’s almost christmas?” Dan broke the silence.

”Not really. I can’t believe a whole year has gone by, almost.” I said, realizing that there was less than a month left for christmas.

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