Chapter 16

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Dan looked out the window and saw the car disappear in the distance. He didn't know when he would get to see Phil again. He felt like he had lost everything in a matter of minutes. 
Dan didn't feel like crying though, he just felt a huge loss and maybe even some regret over coming here in the first place. 
"Alright kid, here are some papers we need you to fill out. Please fill out as much information as you can. I will give your father a call to see if he's okay with us dropping you off there today." The policeman said and handed Dan a folder with about fifteen papers that he would have to fill in.
Dan didn't even comment on the huge amount of papers he got handed to him. He didn't even start filling them in until ten minutes after the policeman had left. He was still taking it all in, it felt unreal.
Dan picked his phone up from his pocket and decided to text Phil. 
'I miss you already.'
He put it down again, and decided it was time to start filling those papers in.
They were asking about a lot of personal information, but he guessed it was important that he filled everything in.
When Dan was on page 8, his phone vibrated in his pocket and he picked it up. Phil had replied.
'I miss you too. We'll meet again soon. x'
Dan smiled at the message before putting his phone away and continuing with the papers.

"Alright, I've had a chat with you dad. He's alright with us dropping you off today. Are you finished with the papers?" 
Dan nodded and handed the folder to the policeman who quickly looked through the papers to see how much Dan had filled in.
"Good job, kid." He said when he saw that Dan had filled in everything.
"When are we leaving?" Dan asked, just as the man was turning around to leave.
"Well, we'll need a bigger car for all your stuff, so how about you go home now, pack and all that, and we'll come get you at noon?" 
Dan nodded and the policeman walked away. 
He wondered if he would have time to visit Phil at school quickly before he left.
Dan ran back to his house, or as it now was, his old house, and got all the suitcases they had in the house out so he could fit all his stuff in them. 
Seven suitcases. He figured that would probably be enough for him to fit all his things in.
He threw everything in. Clothes, xbox, games, everything. He just threw it. 
No order or anything. He had to rush if he wanted to say bye to Phil at school.
Dan struggles to close the bags, things were sticking out from the sides, and he tried to push them in.
"Oh fuck it." He exclaimed and kicked the bag he was currently packing and then left the house and ran towards his school.
The classes had already begun, so he hoped he'd make it just in time for the first class to end, because he didn't have time to wait, but if he had to, he would.

Dan opened the doors to the school and entered the empty hallway. Phil was in biology class now, so he made his way to the science hallway where he would find Phil after he got out of class.
Dan froze on the spot and spun around. 
"Hailey? What are you doing here?" 
"I could ask you the same thing. Late again, or?" She laughed.
"No I'm actually just here to say bye to some friends, I'm moving today." Dan replied. He really didn't have time for this, for any of her bullshit.
"What? I didn't know...I'm sorry for last night I didn't mean it." She said, walking closer to him and wrapping her arms around his neck.
"It's fine. I have to go now." Dan said, obviously uncomfortable by her company as he grabbed her arms and pushed them away from his neck, and she took a few steps back.
"I will miss you." She spoke and Dan wanted to roll his eyes, but out of politeness, he didn't.
She was so clingy, he regrets even talking to her in the first place. He regrets everything about getting involved with the popular people because in the end, like now, it all came crashing down on him.
"I really do have to go now." Dan said and turned away from her.
"Wait." Hailey said and before Dan even knew it she was standing in front of him.
His eyes widened in surprise of how quick she moved and he didn't even have time to react before he felt her kiss him, and it took a few seconds for him to react.
"Hailey what the hell!" Dan exclaimed after he had pushed her away from him.
"I'm sorry, I just had to." She said, obviously embarrassed by what she had done, and Dan had never seen her like that. She had always been so outgoing, but not now.
Dan didn't even bother saying anything, he just walked straight past her and continued to the science hallway because he had to be there in time to see Phil before he went to his next class.

Dan waited outside the door, and when the bell finally rang, the door opened almost immediately and a bunch of students came rushing out.
Dan saw Phil immediately when he came out, but the boy didn't seem to notice him, not until Dan grabbed his arm and pulled him to the side.
"D-Dan?" Phil stuttured in disbelief. "I thought you were leaving." 
"I am, but I just had to say bye first, like a real goodbye. That shit at the police station, I don't buy that. I need to kiss you one last time for God knows how long." Dan whispered so the people surrounding them wouldn't hear too much.
"Let's go outside, to the back." Phil suggested and they did. 
No one could see them in the back, especially not now since everyone were hurrying back to class, but Phil couldn't care less about being late at this point, since these were the last minutes he would spend with his love for a while.
Dan didn't know what to say. What could you really say in a situation like this? 
"Dan?" Phil spoke and Dan gave him all his attention.
"Dan why, why is there lipstick beneath your lip?" Phil asked and couldn't seem to stop looking at the bright pink print under Dans bottom lip.
Dan moved his finger across the area and looked at his finger just to find pink colour on it. 
He cursed Hailey in his head. It was all her fault. How was he supposed to explain this to Phil, he would never believe that Dan was telling the truth.
"Phil listen you have to believe me…" Dan started but Phil cut him off.
"Right, let me guess. It didn't mean anything. She kissed you, whoever she is, and you didn't want to. You love me so much, I'm the only one you love and all that?" Phil said in a mocking tone. Phil started walking around in circles, trying to contain his frustration. 
"Phil…"  Dan tried but Phil just snorted. He didn't want Dan to explain because he knew exactly what was coming.
"Have fun at you dads. I have to get to class." Phils voice was shaky and he couldn't stand to stay there with Dan anymore.
"Phil please wait." Dan tried but Phil was already on his way back.

Phil hurried to class, even though he still had ten minutes before it actually was going to start.
He sat down next to a window, and he saw how Dan left the school ground. His head looked heavy, since he kept looking down at the ground, and he had his hands in his pockets, which Phil knew was a sign of sadness, because Dan never did that unless he was sad or hurt, or possibly angry. 
"Hey Phil!" 
Phil turned his head away from the window and towards the person who was now sitting next to him, Louis.
"Everything alright? You seem a bit off." Louis pointed out.
Phil smiled a little just so Louis would believe it when he said that everything was fine. 
"Yeah everythings good, I just haven't slept a lot tonight." Phil replied, which was partly true. He had gotten two hours of sleep, and a very hectic morning. So much had happened in just a few hours.
Louis didn't ask more, but Phil could tell that he didn't quite believe him, since Louis kept looking in Phils direction during class, and Phil kept looking out the window, because right now he really couldn't pay attention to anything the teacher was saying. All that he could think about was the pink lipstick on Dans face.
"Phil." Louis whispered.
"Let's get out of class, I need to talk to you right now." Louis said seriously, and Phil knew he would have to tell him the truth now.
When the teacher wasn't looking, they sneaked out, and sat down in another hallway so that the teacher wouldn't find them if she just opened the classroom door.

"Tell me what's going on Phil. You're not like this, usually. I know you too well for you to lie to me." Louis stated and Phil couldn't do more than agree.
"Dan…he moved away and just…right before we were going to say goodbye I noticed some pink lipstick on his face, and then I left because I didn't want to hear any excuses." Phil explained.
"Wow…I'm really sorry Phil. He seemed like a good guy." Louis said, scooting closer to Phil on the small bench they were sitting on. 
"It's okay. I never should've gotten invested in things with him in the first place. I was stupid. I am stupid." Phil said.
"Shh, you're not stupid. And even if you were, it's okay to be stupid sometimes, because how can you learn from your mistakes if you never make them." Louis said trying to cheer him up.
"You're right." Phil said, smiling weakly.
"You're my best friend, it's my job to make you feel better. Because you do feel better don't you?"
"I do." Phil smiled.
Louis smiled back at him and patted him on the back, and when Phil didn't see, Louis put on a devlish grin, because everything was going his way.

apologies for; 1. shitty chapter. 2. short chapter. 3. bad writing.
i have a headache but i felt like i had to update since school starts soon for me and idk when i will be able to update again and i felt like i owed you a chapter after that one month break!! im sorry for the shittyness (its even worse than chapter 7 sorry) but i promise the next one will be better and hopefully it'll be out soon as well!! 
thank you for reading and commenting and voting it means a lot  to me x

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