Chapter 8

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A few days had passed, and Dan has been hanging out more with his friends than me. I thought that we were fine, that he wasn’t angry at me anymore, that he would come over after school and play video games with me, or at least that he would say hello to me when we saw each other in the school corridors.
Dan had been keeping his distance from me lately, and I refused to believe that it was because of what I did, because I had apologized, and I got the impression that he had forgiven me, however I must’ve been wrong. 

On friday, I spent a lot of time in the empty hallway, trying to put the pieces together so that everything would make sense, but it seemed that the more I tried, the less it was working, and the picture got even more blurry. 

I felt like I didn’t have the right to be this paranoid and jealous almost, over him, because after all, we weren’t actually together. I was wondering what we were. Friends? Friends with benefits? I wish I knew…

I ran my fingers through my hair, making it messy, sighing at how I ruined the hairstyle I spent 15 minutes on this morning. 

I wanted to stop worrying, and thinking about Dan and what I’ve done wrong. I wished life was back to normal, like it was before me and him became friends. I never thought my life would take a drastic turn like this. 

I had never been one to know how to deal with things in life that bother me, I had never lost sleep because of my mind not wanting to shut up, and I had never felt this sharp, physical pain in my chest because of loving someone. I used to think that was only movie-book talk. 

It was starting to get cold outside, late november, and the heating in this corridor was dropping, and I was starting to shiver, slightly, as well as getting some goosebumps.

I looked out the small window that was placed at the very top of the wall, and I saw the starts shining in the sky, making me feel even smaller than I already did.

I didn’t know what time it was, and I didn’t know when they would be closing the school for the day, but I figured it probably was late enough for me to start moving, and going home.

I stood up, feeling dizzy, having to hold on to the wall as the black spots in front of my eyes disappeared. I always forget not to stand up too fast, this happens too often.

Grabbing my bag, I walked out into the main building, feeling the heat hit my bare arms as I walked towards the exit doors. 

I couldn’t lie, I was looking around for Dan, in case he would still be here, but he wasn’t.

Just in that moment I remembered when he said he usually had to hurry home after school. 

I stopped walking, as an idea came to my mind, and I would do it, if he didn’t answer his phone.

I picked mine up from my pocket and dialed his number, which I had in my favourites. 

”Come on…pick up” I spoke under my breath as the beeping sound came through the telephone. 

Busy? He couldn’t be…

I started walking again, quicker this time, as I pushed the big doors aside as I went out of the school building.

The air was cold, so cold that I could see my breath in the lights of the streetlights mixed with the moonlight.

The pavement was wet, like it had been raining. I felt myself kick a few stones as I passed by a row of houses that all looked the same, at least in the dark.

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