Chapter 6

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I closed the door behind me gently, as I made my way down the stairs, and out the front door.

As soon as I stepped outside, I leaned against the door and slowly slid down on the ground.

Hiding my face in my hands, I sighed to myself, understanding what I just did. The cold wind was brushing against my exposed arms and the sun was fighting to get through the thick fog that was pendent in the air above me. It was early, and I could smell the wet asphalt, and feel the humidity around me. I let my head rest against the wooden door as I bit my lip. My mind was spinning from this whole situation. I didn't regret it, I wouldn't do that. But something inside me knew that I shouldn't of have done it. It was a mistake.

I let my hand rest on the ground beside me as I picked up a small stone with the other one and threw it as hard as I could out on the empty street. I cursed myself inside my head and shook my head at everything I've done.

Maybe Phil was right, I've had two months, but how many of those days during the two months have we actually been hanging around each other? Not many. I haven't been thinking about how I feel about him so much because I never do that with anyone, but Phil had apparently been thinking about me a lot. I couldn't help but smile at the thought of it.

Realizing what I was doing, I stood up. I couldn't sit here leaning against Phils front door in case he would come out, and he probably would soon.

I started walking slowly, and just when I walked out on the sidewalk in front of his house I figured I'd call my parents, they have probably been worried sick- oh, wait. No they haven't. They never do.

I decided to call anyway, just to check, maybe they've suddenly started to care. I put my hand in my pocket, only to see that it wasn't there, nor in any of my other pockets. And where is my bag?

I squeezed my eyes shut when I realized that I had left all my stuff at Phils.

I sighed in annoyance over my forgetfulness and turned around, walking back towards his house.

I opened the wooden front door and walked in to the hallway, empty and quiet, just as it was when I left. Hadn't Phil left his room yet?

I took my shoes off to make as little noise as possible as I walked up the creaky stairs. I was cursing at them under my breath for being so noisy, I didn't want Phil to hear that I'm here.

When I finally got up, I stood a few meters away from his door. My heart was beating loud and fast, I could hear it and feel it banging against my ribs.
I couldn't hear anything from Phils room. No footsteps, nothing. Was he still sitting on his bed?
I tried to breath to calm myself down, this wasn't going to be bad. I didn't even have to look at him. I'd just walk in, grab my things, and leave. That's it.

I took a few steps towards his closed door and when I finally stood a few centimeters away, I took a breath and lifted my clenched fist into the air, prepared to knock, but before I had the chance to do it, the door swung open.

Phil was standing right in front of me, eyes focused on mine and I slowly put my hand down and let it take its position by my side.

I bit my lip nervously as my glance wandered to the object Phil was holding in his hand.

It was my bag.

He must've noticed me looking, because in that moment he streched his arm out and handed my things over to me. I grabbed the strap on my bag and swung it over my shoulder.

I looked down at the floor because I couldn't look him in the eyes any longer.

Phil breathed out and walked past me, and as he was passing, his fingers lightly brushed against my hand and then he walked away.

Northern Downpour || Phan AUNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ