Chapter 14

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Phil froze for a second.

"Didn't you say you were going with that girl, you know, so it wouldn't ruin your reputation?" Phil spoke, diffidently.

Dan pulled himself up a bit on the bed so that he wasn't fully laying down, which caused Phil to then lay his head on his chest as he was waiting for a response.

"I was." Dan began, taking a deep breath. "But I've changed my mind. I don't want to go with someone I practically hate, I want to go with you."

Phil was trying hard to keep the smile off his face, but it crept on anyway, he just couldn't help it.  
Dan tightened his grip around the boy and pulled him even closer to himself, hoping to give him comfort and a feeling of safety, because he knew that what he had said to Phil earlier on in school was hurtful and a mistake, even though it was the truth. Dan had told Phil that his reputation matters more to him than his love, and the fact that Dan had his priorities that messed up hurt him as well, he couldn't believe himself.

"Do you want to sleep over?" Phil asked, breaking the silence and dragging Dan out of his thoughts.
Dan thought about his mother, how she would react if he didn't come home tonight, because tonight was cleaning night, which meant Dan was supposed to clean his room, whilst his mother cleaned the rest of the house. 
"I-I don't know, I kind of have to go home…" Dan spoke, obviously uncomfortable to talk about his home, since Phil would know exactly what would be going on in his house.
"Please." Phil tried.
"What about your parents? Won't they mind?" Dan asked, secretly hoping that Phils parents would mind, because as much as Dan wanted to stay here with Phil, he didn't want to get hit when he got home, and if he didn't go home tonight, it would just be worse tomorrow.
"They're out for the night at their friends house, so they won't know, and even if they knew, they wouldn't mind anyway." 

Dan chewed on his lip, nervous because he was out of excuses.
"She'll beat you, if you don't go home." Phil said, and Dans eyes got wide as he looked down at the boy that was resting his head on his chest.

Dan didn't know what to say, because Phil was right, and Phil knew he was right. 
"Yeah." Dan breathed quietly. 
Phil turned his head up to look at him, and Dan had a sad expression painted across his face, his eyes looked straight into Phils. 

"I know it will sound selfish, but if you're going to get beaten up anyway, why can't you just stay? Postpone the pain, or maybe we can figure something out so you don't get hit." Phil suggested.

"Figure what out? Phil were not calling the poli-" 

"That wasn't what I was thinking, I know you would never agree on it. I've made that mistake already." 
Dan didn't reply to that. Instead, he figured that Phil was right, if he was going to get hit anyway, he could spend the night with Phil.
"I'll stay, then." 

A smile appeared on Phils face as he pulled himself up to give Dan a quick kiss on the lips, but Dan grabbed his arm and kept him up there for a while, so he wouldn't pull away so quickly.
Phils arms were shaking from having to hold his body up for so long on the soft surface, and eventually he fell and landed on Dan, which caused them both to giggle. 

Phil was still in a good position for Dan to give him one more kiss, which then turned into a few more, until Phil crashed down again and slid down so he could rest his head on Dans chest again.
It was late by now, and Dan could feel his eyelids closing, as he put his hand on Phils waist, pulling him closer before closing his eyes.
Phil smiled to himself before closing his eyes as well, and he fell asleep, safe and sound to Dans heartbeat.

In the morning, Dan was the first one to wake up, and to his surprise, they were still in the same position as they fell asleep in, Dans hand on Phils waist. 
Dan smiled to himself when he saw Phil sleeping, so calm, so innocent, so beautiful.

He gently stroked his hair with his fingers in the opposite direction to how it was growing, and panicked slightly when some strands of hair got tangled among his fingers. 
Dan looked over at the small digital clock that was placed on Phils nightstand, displaying the time in red line-numbers. 9:38. 

They must've slept for about 10 hours, which was about four hours longer than Dan usually slept, and for the first time in a very long time he felt lively instead of still tired.
He moved his hand away from Phils waist when he could feel him moving, and Phil opened his eyes about halfway, and when he saw Dan, a goofy smile appeared on his face and he rolled to the side so that he was laying next to Dan instead of on him, and then buried his face into one of the pillows.
Dan turned on his side and shuffled closer to Phil on the bed, and as Phils face was still buried in the pillow, Dan placed a light kiss on his cheek, making Phil turn his head to look at Dan who took the opportunity to place his lips against Phils quickly.

"Good morning sunshine." 
Phils smile got wider and then he also turned on his side. 
"Do you want breakfast?" Phil asked, and Dan nodded. "Let's get up then."
"Let's get some clothes shall we." Dan said laughing, and Phil realized that they both were naked after last nights happening. 

Phil blushed as he got out of bed looking for his clothes that were tossed on the floor, and he threw Dans to him. Even though Dan had seen him naked already, Phil felt kind of self-conscious about having to walk around the room in nothing but his birthday suit. 
Phil pulled a pair of clean boxers out of his wardrobe drawers, and also gave one pair to Dan, and quickly put them on so he wouldn't have to face the, for him, embarrassment. 

"How about breakfast in underwear only?" Dan suggested, grinning at Phil.
"As you wish." Phil said and Dan finally got out of bed and wrapped his arms around Phil, both of them only in boxers.

Phil put his face in the space between Dans neck and shoulder, breathing him in. He smelled so good in the morning, and his bed hair looked so cute.
"Let's go downstairs." 

When they got to the kitchen, Dan just stood there awkwardly whilst Phil got the bread and all the things out, since he didn't know where anything was.

"You can go ahead and start. I'll make the tea." Phil said and made a gesture towards the sandwich stuff he had taken out. 
Dan started making his sandwich as he felt Phil appear behind him, putting his arms under Dans and placing his chin on Dans shoulder.

"You look cute when you're making a sandwich." Phil said.
"I could kill a man and you'd say I look cute when I'd be hiding the body." Dan joked which made Phil laugh.

"I love you."
"I love you too."
Dan dropped the knife he was using for spreading his nutella on the bread and turned around, and Phil placed his hands on the counter for support as he leaned close to Dan.
"Kiss me." Phil commanded.
"No." Dan protested.
"Do it."
"Kiss me."
"Make me."
Phil smirked and pressed his lips firmly against Dans, and the kiss lasted for a few seconds.
"You're amazing." Dan said.
"I know."

The tea was ready, so Phil had to walk away, and Dan returned to making his sandwich.
Dan ended up making sandwiches for them both, since Phil had already taken his seat at the table and refused to get up to make his own.

"What are you going to wear for the dance tonight?" Phil asked, taking a sip of his tea.
"Jeans, I guess. And a nice shirt and a blazer. Nothing too formal. There's just gonna be teenagers, after all." He said. "What about you?"

"The same, I guess. I've never gone to anything like this so I don't know what you're supposed to wear." Phil admitted.
"I'm glad I'm the one taking you to your first one, then." Dan smiled.
"Yeah." Phil blushed, looking down on his food so that Dan wouldn't see.

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