Chapter 5

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I let Phil hold my hand tight in his, trying to keep my smile to myself, but I did enjoy it.

I wondered what he thought we were, because this was just friendly, right? Do friends hold hands? More importantly, do friends that have only been friends for a couple of days hold hands? The smile slowly vanished from my face as I got even deeper into my thoughts and chewed on my lip, arching my eyebrows.

Phil must’ve noticed my expression because he moved closer to me, leaning forward a bit so he could see my face more clearly. I quickly turned my head to face him and cleared my face from the previous expression as I let go of his hand and put it on the ground as support for me as I stood up. 

”uhm I have to go.” I murmured and quickly made my way out of the empty hallway. I could feel Phils disappointed look on my back and I walked as fast as I could. 

I couldn’t go to class considering that’s exactly where Phil would head after I left him. 

I had to decide now, since Phil would probably be leaving the spot where we sat very soon. I went to the first place I could think about. The men’s bathroom. Thankfully, everyone had classes right now so both the corridors and the bathrooms were empty.

I opened the big door and chose a stall to sit in for the rest of the time that I had before the class that I should be in finished. 

I picked my phone up and launched the angry birds app, trying to kill time. 

I was tapping the floor with my foot, but when I heard the door creak, I stopped moving, and breathing. 

I held my breath as I heard footsteps enter the bathroom, but they didn’t approach any of the stalls. 

I started breathing silently as I tried to see from the space inbetween the floor and the stall door where the person was. 

I looked around and I caught them standing on the other side of the room, right in front of the mirrors and sinks. Their feet were moving, almost like they counldn’t stand still, and their legs were shaking noticeably. I wondered if it would be appropriate for me to walk out now, or maybe the person wanted to be alone. But then again, if they wanted to be alone maybe it would be best for me to leave. 

I decided to keep my position for a little longer, observing the individual and their actions.

They turned the water on and let it flow into the sink. I had the worst scenario in my head. Were they harming themselves? Cleaning up after the mess? 

I stood up silently and unlocked the stall door. The sound of the running water disguised the sound of the small door opening and me walking out. 

Not until I had the whole person in sight I realized who it was. 

I ran up to them and turned the water off by slamming my hand on the faucet. 

I grabbed his arms with both my hands and I saw his eyes widen in surprise and terror.

”Phil what the hell are you doing!” I blurted out and looked at his bare arms just to find out they were completely clean, untouched.

”I- I was just washing my hands.” Phil replied, his voice almost as quiet as a whisper.

”I thought…I just thought that…it doesn’t matter.” I said and let go of his arms that I had held way too tight, leaving faint red marks on them. 

”What were you doing here?” He then asked me.

”Needed some alone time. Sorry. I thought you went to class.” 

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