
8.1K 256 204

Okay so ive been getting inboxed on here and getting comments about how i ended the story in the middle of it and all of that so ive decided to explain it and hopefully youll understand and stop giving me shit for it especially in my inbox.

Since ive been getting some negative/rude comments and messages on here because "i ended the story so abruptly (?) and blablablaaaaa." consider this; i wrote this story in my free, spare time when i could have been doing something else (of course i wrote because i liked it in the beginning but then it started feeling like a chore almost bc so many people were reading) and am i not getting anything at all for writing this. nothing. nada. ingenting. 

so the only "reward" or whatever i get from this is your nice comments and the fact that people actually read this shitty piece of writing. so everytime i get a nice comment saying that "oh i love this story!" or "youre such a good writer!" it makes me so so happy and makes me smile so much you dont even understand it means so extremely much to me because thats all i get from this and its more than enough because most of you are so nice and sweet whilst i personally dont think my writing is good compared to other people.
and when i get bad comments like people being angry at me for ending the story it just really pisses me off (however i get where youre coming from id hate it too if someone stopped writing something i enjoyed to read and wanted to see how it ends.) i would really appreciate it if you kept it to yourself because this is my decision and it wont change because i am slowly drifting away from the phandom day by day and i dont want to write phanfics anymore and i am genuinely sorry if that upsets you, but its my decision.
i understand that most, if not all, of you want an ending to the story but honestly, i dont even know how it would end if i continued it, and i thought that the last chapter was a good place to end because they ended up happy and together and stuff and if you really want an ending just pretend that dan stayed with phil in his house and never went back to his dad and went back to the same school and they lived happily ever after or whatever. 
i dont know if you were able to tell, but the last couple of chapters of this story were really forced, by which i mean i wrote them because i had to, especially that one i posted after summer break where i hadnt posted a new chapter in two months. i didnt get the "oh i want to write now!" feeling anymore. they were all so forced and i always set a goal for myself to write at least 2k words and that was really hard to achieve sometimes because i didnt get the feeling and if i started i wanted to finish the same day so i usually sat 3-4 hours and wrote a shit chapter so i could upload it and feel pleased that i dont have to think about "shit when am i going to post the next chapter." 

please respect my decision of not wanting to write about dan and phil anymore, since i do not "ship" phan as much as i used to (if at all anymore) and i am getting into other fandoms and unfortunately leaving this one. its been a great ride but everything comes to an end. 
there are plenty of other really amazing phanfiction authors out there and so much phanficition to read and i think you all should go do that! but thank you for reading this and getting it to almost 100k reads that is freaking mind-blowing thank you so much! i still see this story as "my little story" that i never thought would get much attention, but it did and i am grateful because wow people actually like my writing. 
but yeah, thank you for reading and being here (especially if you remember my deleted stories oh) haha xx

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